Cars must have gasoline to run, and in a similar way, school teams must have trust to operate effectively. In both cases, any momentum will come to a screeching halt if the “fuel” that drives the system isn’t present.
Why does trust matter so much in schools? The answer is complex. Teachers tend to operate in their own classrooms to teach finite sets of students. We know that this isn’t always best for student learning, but it is the defacto manner in which most schools operate. School leaders know that collaboration between teachers helps to improve outcomes. When best practices are shared from classroom to classroom, teachers improve and so does student learning. But this isn’t natural for most teachers—and this is why trust is so critical.
Any school-wide initiative or grade-level team project needs trust in order to work. If teachers don’t trust one another or even the process that is being proposed, they will nod, smile, and close their door without changing a thing. It is okay for teachers to have autonomy, but with much of what we do in schools, collaboration is essential to best help students.
At the onset of a new teacher entering a building or team, trusting relationships are usually easy to form. If a school or workplace has a solid culture, most people will probably trust a newcomer right from the start. This isn’t the case 100% of the time, but I have found it is typically true.
It is important to try to intentionally build trust early with the people you work with. Here are some steps to help build trust right from the start:
Because trust is so vitally important, I would encourage overkill in each of these areas at the onset of the school year. The results from a lack of trust at the beginning can do great harm to a team. Damage to trust in any relationship can take a long time to overcome, so it is best to err on the side of being the best listener you can be.
Teachers should be diligent to maintain a good working rapport with everyone in the school building. In order to do so, they should listen, stay humble, and treat everyone with respect.
Be sure to subscribe to our Educator blog so you don’t miss part two of this series, where we will focus on how to maintain these trusting relationships over time, which can also be tricky.