In the book Good to Great, Jim Collins wrote at length about technology as an “accelerator.” It was important to note that the acceleration technology created could go in either direction. Companies with a clear vision and plan could use technology to improve outcomes rapidly, while those that did not have a solid foundation and invested heavily in technology “accelerated” their demise.
The world of education is probably not much different to these companies. Schools that have clear instructional goals, a solid foundational curriculum, and engaging practices can use technology to move from good to great.
The perfect tool for this is an assessment clicker like the MimioVote assessment system. Teachers can easily create formative assessments with this tool while students actively participate in the lessons and stay engaged. The best part is that teachers have real-time feedback about student learning. They are able to check for understanding and, if they are well prepared, they can act on the data instantly. This type of teaching can really “accelerate” the learning in a classroom. Instead of a teacher taking papers home to grade and returning the feedback the next day, students know instantly if they are on the right track.
Of course, much of this can happen without technology, right? Kind of. Part of the genius of tools like the MimioVote assessment system is that all students have to respond. Think about when a teacher asks, “Are there any questions?” or “Do you all understand this?” Passive students won’t assert themselves to respond to these questions. With the MimioVote clicker, all students have the tool in their hands and are required to respond. Until all students in the class respond, the teacher won’t continue. This means that all students are being reached and evaluated, not just the ones with their hands up.
In thinking back to Good to Great and technology as an accelerator, using technology to formatively assess students doesn’t accelerate the learning in the way that students get through the material more quickly. Instead, it accelerates the process of learning and correcting misconceptions of students. A student who isn’t understanding something is able to know right away that they are not getting the concepts. Even better, the teacher is able to know this right away, too. This makes for a learning cycle that is much more adaptive and student-centered. As stated earlier, one of the keys to the success of this is planning on the teacher’s end. The assessments must be created ahead of time, and the teacher must have a plan ready for those who have reached mastery and those who have not. Without the plan in place, the acceleration will quickly head in the wrong direction.
Click here to learn more about MimioVote and how to use assessment as a powerful tool for instruction.