Professional educators should always seek out best practices. Because this term is thrown around a lot, teachers can feel confused and overwhelmed by all the “research” that is available about what we should do (or not do) in our classrooms. It can make our collective heads spin.
One solution to assist teachers with this is John Hattie’s research on Visible Learning. This resource can be very beneficial in keeping our heads on straight, but Visible Learning can be a bit overwhelming, too. There are 252 different categories of research sorted into a number of domains and subdomains. This is a lot of information to sift through, and if you’ve read the book, it is a formidable experience.
I think this same feeling of being overwhelmed is familiar to many teachers. Where do we start? What is most important? What is least important? Which strategies should we try first? Which are the easiest? Which are the cheapest? Again, our heads spin.
So, here is an approach to help keep it simple—or at least manageable—for teachers to understand. In the table chart available on the Visible Learning website, it breaks down the different areas, and the research is sortable by that area. If a teacher wants to focus on teaching, leadership, or prior background knowledge, they can sort the sheet for that area to see which of the indicators have the largest effect size (ES).
Because the scope of his work is vast and deep, there isn’t room here for a full, in-depth analysis of all of it. In order to demonstrate the overarching ideas and give teachers a taste of how the research looks, here is a specific focus on an instructional area.
For this specific area, “Strategies Emphasizing Feedback,” we can unpack the specifics and see how we could use it to see what to do, and what not to do, based on research and best practices. Each topic listed here has a title, the number of its overall ranking, and then the effect size (ES) impact that the meta-analysis showed. The higher the ES, the more effective the strategy. An ES of 0.40 or higher is considered an effective practice, or one that will make a difference with student engagement.
Though this small breakdown, I hope teachers can see how this research can form our instructional practices. Are we using the best strategies most frequently in our classroom? If we are not, why are we not? If we are, do we agree about the impact that these practices can have on learning? I would encourage educators at all levels to look more closely at the research from Visible Learning to help us all improve at our craft each and every day.
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