Mimio Educator

      15 Resources to Create Effective, Engaging IWB Lessons

      Posted by Travis Rink on Wed, Nov 9, 2016


      Interactive whiteboards are fantastic tools, providing educators with a more engaging way to teach. With so many features to choose from, how can you best put these tools to use in the classroom? Here are some of our favorite resources with ideas and recommendations to help you use interactive whiteboards effectively in order to increase learning and engagement with your students.

      1. Crickweb: Looking for teaching resources for students from ages 4–11? Check out Crickweb, which offers educational games and interactive activities that are ideal for IWBs.

      2. Eduscapes: With an array of activities, ideas, and tutorials covering a variety of subjects, Eduscapes is a wonderful resource for teachers looking to make the most out of their interactive whiteboards.

      3. Fit Brains: Launched by Rosetta Stone, the award-winning Fit Brains program offers over 60 fun and engaging games, more than 500 personalized training programs, and in-depth performance reports to help students perform at their best.

      4. Math Playground: For teachers looking to engage their whole class in a variety of math topics, Math Playground is the place to go. Choose from an array of stimulating math games, including logic puzzles, problem solving, and Common Core activities.

      5. MimioConnect® interactive teaching community: You can find and share an array of lesson plans and activities with fellow educators in our online teaching community. Learn how other teachers are using their interactive whiteboards, share your tips, and find out what has—or hasn’t—worked in other classrooms.

      6. MimioTraining: With On-Demand resources and Quick Learn sessions, our collection of training materials—including video tutorials, recordings, user guides, and reference cards—help educators learn how to use classroom software and create effective lessons.

      7. NASA Space Place: NASA’s award-winning Space Place website helps educators teach their students about space science and technology with a collection of games, activities, and videos.

      8. NCTM Illuminations: Designed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Illuminations offers teachers access to quality resources for mathematics as well as instructional support. Teachers can choose from PreK through 12th grade lessons and interactives that meet NCTM or Common Core standards.

      9. PBS KIDS: Vetted by educators, PBS KIDS offers a collection of educational games for interactive whiteboards that are fun and engaging for younger students.

      10. Scale of the Universe: This simple tool effectively demonstrates the differences in sizes of objects ranging from miniscule atoms and particles to humans, dinosaurs, famous monuments, countries, planets, and beyond.

      11. Scholastic: Scholastic’s collection of interactive whiteboard-friendly activities, lessons, and tips cover topics in science and math, social studies, and language arts.

      12. Sheppard Software: Offering hundreds of interactive educational games for just about every subject and age level, Sheppard Software can help teachers make learning fun and engaging for their students.

      13. Stellarium: This free planetarium brings the night sky to your interactive whiteboard. It’s a simple, yet realistic, way to show your students illustrations of the constellations, the Milky Way, the planets, and more.

      14. TeacherLED: Teachers can access an array of free, high-quality teaching resources from TeacherLED, a site that focuses on whole-class learning with interactive whiteboards. These resources help teachers explain and demonstrate lessons with examples designed to further student comprehension.

      15. Topmarks: Offering IWB resources for a range of subjects and age groups, Topmarks regularly updates their content to ensure your lessons contain the most current information.

      Do you have a favorite interactive whiteboard resource for engaging your students? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t have an interactive whiteboard? Our MimioTeach™ interactive system can turn any whiteboard into an IWB in just minutes—without the need to buy or set up complicated and expensive equipment.


      Topics: Lessons, Interactive Whiteboard, Free Content, Training


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