Mimio Educator

      Nurturing Learning Environments: Strategies for Effective Classroom Centers

      Posted by Christine Hall on Mon, Feb 5, 2024

      Building a great learning space in the classroom is important for helping students grow. Teachers can create a dynamic learning environment by incorporating learning centers. Of course, planning effective and engaging centers is wonderful on paper but the follow through takes work! Making the most of center time calls for some careful planning and smart execution. 

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      Topics: collaborative learning, tips for teachers, Personalized Learning, student learning, education

      Navigating Classroom Communication: A Deep Dive into Argumentative vs. Aggressive Dynamics

      Posted by Demetrius Handelih on Wed, Nov 1, 2023

      Communication dynamics between educators in the realm of education, the art of constructive argumentative communication is crucial for the holistic development of students. This form of communication is not solely based on the ability to articulate viewpoints but hinges on a combination of cognitive development, environmental influences, and emotional intelligence. As students navigate the intricate landscape of ideas and discussions, their capacity to engage in reasoned debate depends on critical thinking, problem-solving skills, the presence of positive role models, an encouraging classroom ambiance, and a keen sense of both empathy and self-awareness. Each of these components plays an integral role in shaping a student's ability to communicate their perspectives in a constructive, respectful manner. and students can profoundly influence the classroom environment. As professionals dedicated to nurturing future generations, understanding these dynamics becomes imperative. It's not just about conveying information - it’s also about fostering a positive atmosphere conducive to growth and exploration. Communication researchers have articulated the nuanced distinction between argumentative and aggressive communication and for educators, understanding this distinction is crucial. A deeper exploration of their findings can help educators refine their communication style to foster vibrant, effective classrooms. 

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      Topics: collaborative learning, Student Engagement, tips for teachers, student learning, communication, Classroom Communication

      Pro AV Best in Market 2023 Awards: Clevertouch by Boxlight Solutions Win!

      Posted by Boxlight on Thu, Oct 12, 2023


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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, awards, technology, Clevertouch, CleverShare, AV solution, CleverHub

      The ‘Aha’ of Project-Based Learning

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Thu, Jul 9, 2020

      When I look back at my time in the classroom, memories that most often pop up are seeing and hearing my students work together to finish a project. Many times, they were in groups of three or four busily drawing, coloring, writing, talking. For the life of me, I can barely remember the projects themselves, but I can remember the chatter, laughing, arguing, and smiles when the project was finished. I used to feel like, this is learning! Many teachers have probably experienced and felt that same sense of excitement and accomplishment. When we see our students fully engaged and involved in a project, it reveals their interests and connection to the topic. You will likely see many ‘aha’ moments.

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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, Project-Based Learning, Student Engagement, edtech, virtual classroom

      4 Ways to Bridge the Gap to Academic Success via Creating Digital Experiences

      Posted by Rahul Varshneya on Tue, Apr 28, 2020

      Digital learning offers students the tools to become lifelong learners. As per the national centre for education statistics, 80% of 8th-graders reported using a computer for schoolwork in the recent past. 

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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, Educational Apps, Games, Project-Based Learning

      Ideas for Teaching About Climate Change

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Apr 21, 2020

      You may have seen media stories of the air being clearer since stay-at-home directives have been implemented in different areas of the world (Los Angeles, India). NASA satellite data actually shows a 30-percent decrease in air pollution over the northeast United States (click on the link to view slider image: Drop in Air Pollution). What does this all mean for our climate? How are your children and/or students reacting to the changes? Do they realize there are changes at all? This may be an opportune time to include climate change into your instructional plan, especially with the focus of Earth Day 2020 being climate action. So how can you do it? Here are 7 ideas to try:

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      Topics: Education Technology, Activities, Science Lessons, STEM Lessons, collaborative learning, Labdisc, STEM, STEAM, climate change

      Learning Through Game Creation

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Thu, Apr 9, 2020

      It seems like Day 227 of forever of home learning and you and your children are at a loss – of education-related things to do, learning anything new and exciting, and the motivation to look for fresh ideas. Unlike many families you know, you don’t have the means – or desire – to purchase the latest and greatest in gaming consoles (so no one is creating a virtual school in Minecraft). There are game apps you and your children play on their devices, but not too many support learning in your view. So now what? How about adding a twist to games you already play? Or better yet, creating an original game? Before we start sharing a few ideas, let’s review why games are valuable for learning.

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      Topics: collaborative learning, Games, Project-Based Learning, Google Classroom, learning resources, gamification, learning games

      Arts Integration in the Classroom

      Posted by Kristy Nerstheimer on Tue, Aug 13, 2019

      Who doesn’t love the arts? We listen to music during our free time, go dancing, and watch live performances, among other things! This past week, I went to an arts symposium, where I learned a lot about integrating the arts into the classroom.

      Here are several takeaways I wanted to share with my fellow educators:

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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, tips for teachers

      Why Now—More Than Ever—We Must Collaborate Globally

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Tue, Apr 25, 2017

      Our country has changed a lot in the past year. I think most educators didn’t expect the 2017 we now have. We didn’t expect the current education secretary that we have, the president we have, or even some of the other federal changes that we now have. Some of the immigration and refugee policies of 2017 have impacted our schools, along with a shift in direction from the federal government about transgender bathroom policies. 

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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, tips fpr teachers

      Ten Reasons Why You Should Use Google Classroom

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Wed, Sep 21, 2016

      If we could offer teachers something that would save them time, save the school money, communicate better with students and parents, help struggling learners, and impact the learning environment for students...would they consider using it? I’m guessing they would.

      Our school district recently moved to the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) platform. Because I previously used GAFE, I knew the potential for improvement that this would bring to our school and our students.

      GAFE Is Great
      If you’ve been been using Google Classroom for the last few years, you’re probably already “sold” on why it’s a good thing to use. But if it’s new to you, you probably want to know the reasons why this change is a good thing for students. Here are some things to consider:

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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, curriculum, google docs, Google Classroom


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