Mimio Educator

      Cyberbullying Resources for Teachers

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Thu, Mar 9, 2017

      Over the past few years, students have had technology in their hands more and more. Often times, that technology is even provided by the school in a 1:1 setting. Just as a school would not provide another tool to students without appropriate safety training, neither should they provide a device that provides access around the world without some precautions. Imagine opening the doors to the wood shop and telling the students, “Here is the power button...have fun!”

      Our attitude toward cyberbullying in school isn’t typically that laissez faire, but good, systematic teaching of technology expectations does not always occur either. The risk is really broader than just bullying when we talk about technology, and other issues such as sexting, over-sharing, and inappropriate content should also be considered.

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