Mimio Educator

      What Is Google Keep and How Can I Use It in My Classroom?

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Wed, Jun 21, 2017

      The G Suite (or Google Suite) is ever evolving. Just over the past few months, users have noticed changes to the login screen, Google Sheets has had some cool upgrades, and there are a few new ways to share and collaborate on Team Drives. Because of this, the Google Apps can be hard to keep up with—they are numerous and some are easier to use than others.

      Google Keep is one of the many apps in the G Suite, but it isn’t one that pops up on the default screen, so it may not be known as well. It may take a little digging in order find all the bells and whistles to it, but I have found that it is a really useful tool.

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      Topics: google docs, Google Classroom, tips for teachers, Google Educacion

      Format Like a Champ with These New Google Sheet Tricks!

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Tue, May 16, 2017

      One of the best parts of the Google platform is that it is constantly improving and changing. I guess that is probably an opinion statement, as sometimes these changes can be frustrating—for example, when buttons move or formatting options come and go. This can be a headache, but overall, I feel the Google Suite options are much more robust than they were when I first started using them six year ago.  

      For me, the really amazing part is that Google actually takes feedback, listens to it, and acts on it to improve the product. Not that novel of an idea, I know, but the speed at which they can move in doing so sets them apart from others in the tech world. I’m not a Google salesperson—it does have its limitations and faults—but as a lifelong learner, I love the challenge of always having to keep up to date on the latest format.

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      Topics: google docs, Google Classroom, tips for teachers

      25 Awesome Tips for Google Apps in the Classroom

      Posted by Travis Rink on Wed, Jan 4, 2017

      From Flash Cards to Book Clubs, Google Apps Are a
      Great Asset for Classrooms

      There is no doubt that Google Apps is revolutionizing classrooms. This centralized platform of creation and collaboration makes group projects and teacher feedback easier. It also streamlines parent-teacher communication, making it easier to keep busy parents informed of their child's progress. Perhaps you have already integrated Google Docs and need ideas, or maybe it’s time to make use of this extraordinary tool. No matter where you are with the totally integrated paperless classroom, here are 25 hacks to start you off on your Google Apps journey.

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      Topics: classroom assessment, Classroom Collaboration, google docs, Google Classroom

      Ten Reasons Why You Should Use Google Classroom

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Wed, Sep 21, 2016

      If we could offer teachers something that would save them time, save the school money, communicate better with students and parents, help struggling learners, and impact the learning environment for students...would they consider using it? I’m guessing they would.

      Our school district recently moved to the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) platform. Because I previously used GAFE, I knew the potential for improvement that this would bring to our school and our students.

      GAFE Is Great
      If you’ve been been using Google Classroom for the last few years, you’re probably already “sold” on why it’s a good thing to use. But if it’s new to you, you probably want to know the reasons why this change is a good thing for students. Here are some things to consider:

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      Topics: Classroom Collaboration, collaborative learning, curriculum, google docs, Google Classroom

      25 Cool Hacks for Google Docs in the Classroom

      Posted by Travis Rink on Wed, Aug 26, 2015

      From Flash Cards to Book Clubs, Google Docs Are a Great Asset for Activities

      There is no doubt that Google Docs is revolutionizing classrooms. This centralized platform of creation and collaboration makes group projects and teacher feedback easier. It also streamlines parent-teacher communication, making it easier to keep busy parents informed of their child's progress. Perhaps you have already integrated Google Docs and need ideas, or maybe it’s time to make use of this extraordinary tool. No matter where you are with the totally integrated paperless classroom, here are 25 hacks to start you off on your Google Docs journey.

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      Topics: classroom assessment, Classroom Collaboration, google docs


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