Educators need to understand the critical role that classroom audio plays in fostering an effective learning environment. When it comes to reading comprehension, providing high-quality audio is a game-changer for students. Clear and crisp sound amplification not only enhances speech clarity, but it also improves focus, attention, and engagement during reading activities. With an emphasis on inclusivity and reducing learning barriers, quality classroom audio empowers students of all abilities to fully grasp the content being taught. Let’s explore how comprehensive, user-friendly, and high-quality classroom audio positively impacts reading comprehension and learning progress.
Enhancing Reading Comprehension: The Power of Quality Classroom Audio
Topics: Classroom Technology, Reading Comprehension, Early Reading, Classroom Audio, reading activities, reading, audio
Mimio Reading Program Drives Reading Improvement in Iowa Schools
MimioReading™ Software is in a Growing Number of Iowa Schools and Local After-School Organizations
Topics: Educational Software, Education Technology, MimioSprout, MimioReading, Reading Software, Reading Comprehension, Mimio, Early Reading
Four Keys to Developing In-Depth Learning, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration Skills
It used to be that textbooks, chalkboards, lectures, and note-taking were enough to provide an effective education. But these “old school” teaching tools and techniques are no longer up to the task. To be truly successful, students now need to have a deep comprehension of concepts and develop “21st Century” skills like critical thinking and collaboration.
Mimio Offers Free Educational Funding Opportunity Webinars
Mimio is offering a free webinar on January 24th, 2013, led by Dr. Jenny House of RedRock Reports. Dr. House will discuss the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. There will be time at the end of the webinar for you to ask Dr. House your questions.

Topics: Education Technology, Reading Software, Reading Comprehension
Tools for Teachers to Improve Reading Comprehension
An article I co-authored in 2011 began with this observation:
IN 2001, THE NATIONAL Center for Learning Disabilities reported that 40% of our nation’s fourth graders scored below basic reading levels. Today, 10 years later, there has been some much-needed improvement. But before we pop the cork in celebration, it is important to note that the percentage of children reading below a basic level— 33%, according to the U.S. Department of Education website—remains far too great.
Topics: Educational Software, Education Technology, Reading Comprehension
New Webinar - Reading Comprehension Strategies to Reach Every Student
Did you miss the Reading Comprehension Strategies to Reach Every Student Webinar on Thursday, October 4th 2012, where Reading/Literacy Coordinator Dr. Linda Baker of the Tangipahoa Parish School District and Janet Webb, Leader of Implementation at Mimio will walked through the literacy tools used for identifying the reading levels, reading challenges, and progress of student readers at every level in the Tangipahoa Parish district. Download the archived presentation here!
Topics: Education Technology, Reading Software, Reading Comprehension
The Mimio Customer Care Team works with Teachers and Administrators to make reading program implementation as easy as possible. We can create Teacher Accounts and update student information and placement throughout the year so that teachers can focus on what they do to best – teaching!
Topics: MimioSprout, MimioReading, Reading Software, Reading Comprehension
Strategies, Practice, and Differentiated Instruction in Reading Comprehension
Learning to comprehend text is perhaps the most essential skill that students learn in school. Reading with understanding is a key skill they will use for the remainder of their lives – whether they read for pleasure, for work, or to engage in civic life. Unfortunately, far too many students struggle to read and comprehend, and educators struggle with how to best help these students.
Topics: Educational Software, MimioReading, Reading Software, Reading Comprehension
How Effective are Interactive Teaching Technologies in the Classroom?
I am often asked the question, “How effective are interactive teaching technologies in the classroom?” More often than not, this question refers to interactive whiteboards in particular. While there are numerous studies available that may or may not provide an answer to this question, depending on your point of view, I tend to think and answer this question a little differently than most.
Topics: Educational Software, MimioReading, Reading Software, Reading Comprehension