Mimio Educator

      Engaging Ways to Formatively Assess Students

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Tue, Mar 21, 2017

      One of the advantages to being a building principal is that I get to see what takes place in classrooms all around the school. I love seeing a great strategy in one classroom, then going to the next classroom and sharing it with another teacher. I think we can all agree that there is not nearly enough of this kind of sharing and collaboration in education. 

      In our school, we have been studying different approaches to formative assessment in the classroom. We looked over about twenty-five different ideas for how to formatively assess, then I asked teachers to try one of the concepts in their classroom and provide me with feedback about the strategy. 

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      Topics: MimioVote assessment, classroom assessment, MimioVote, MimioMobile, Mobile Devices

      How to Successfully Incorporate Assessment into the Classroom

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Thu, Sep 15, 2016

      “Today, kids spend too much time on the scale and not enough time at the trough.” This analogy of students as farm animals isn’t a beautiful one, but it gets the point across. In the past decade, students have spent a great deal of class time taking assessments (being weighed), which reduces the time available for instruction and learning (eating at the trough). The reasons for this development vary, but the testing requirements of No Child Left Behind are a major reason behind it.

      Many of us sometimes feel that our students are “over-assessed,” so it’s easy to have a negative attitude toward testing. But assessments are an essential part of teaching when they are used effectively. The descriptions below include information about what each assessment type is intended to accomplish, as well as some ideas for making it meaningful and effective in the classroom. 


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      Topics: classroom assessment, MimioVote, MimioMobile

      Learn How To Integrate Student Response Systems into Your Classrooms

      Posted by Alyssa O'Mara on Thu, Sep 13, 2012

      StudentResponseSystemOn Thursday, September 20, join Mimio and T.H.E. Journal for 2012 Elections: How to Integrate Student Response Systems into Your Classrooms.

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      Topics: Education Technology, MimioVote assessment, classroom assessment, MimioVote


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