Mimio Educator

      Remote Teaching - What's Worked for Teachers

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Thu, Aug 25, 2022


      ,In the past few years, teachers and students have progressively made changes in how they teach and learn. With more options for remote learning, teachers have found instructional practices that work for them and are relatively simple to implement. Below are six practices that have become regular parts of fully remote teaching and learning.

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      Topics: Education Technology, MimioConnect, distance learning, distance teaching, remote learning, remote instruction

      Tomorrow’s New Normal: What It Means for Professional Development

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Feb 16, 2021

      We’re approaching the one-year mark of distance teaching and learning for most of our country’s schools. Last spring when schools closed, teachers had to quickly navigate new and unfamiliar technology so that they could maintain some degree of educational normalcy for their students. Many education-focused companies and organizations developed and facilitated a variety of teacher training courses that centered on software and platforms that districts invested in to deliver lessons to the millions of students now having to school remotely. Courses included learning the basic tools of GSuite for Education or Microsoft Office 365, creating and delivering lessons using specific software and applications (think Zoom), and maneuvering the complexity of all these apps, platforms, and software to deliver lessons that would engage students so that they would show up to live lessons when scheduled. Our nation’s teachers handled what they could (with blood, sweat, and tears) and came out of this unprecedented situation with more education technology knowledge than they had before this.

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      Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, webinar, distance teaching, blended learning, distance education

      Classroom Management – Tips for Any Learning Environment

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Jan 19, 2021

      The school year is in full swing and depending on how your area has been affected by the ongoing pandemic, that ‘swing’ may feel more like a roller coaster ride! With possible adjustments in learning environments from in-class to remote instruction, teachers should be prepared. This includes classroom management procedures and routines that should be easy to implement and follow. Managing a classroom virtually has its challenges such as lack of teacher’s physical presence for monitoring engagement, and limited view of facial expressions and body language to communicate thoughts and feelings but it is not impossible. At this point in the year, routines have been established to navigate the learning day. How can these procedures be adapted to remote instruction? Review the chart below.

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      Topics: tips for teachers, Classroom Management, distance teaching, blended learning, hybrid learning, remote instruction

      Optimize Teaching and Learning with One Online Platform

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Wed, Jan 13, 2021

      Teachers across the country are working under incredible conditions to “normalize” the learning experience for their students. This means extra hours creating interactive lessons, planning a simplified scope and sequence of lessons, and deciding which materials will be used for asynchronous learning and the ones for synchronous sessions. Combine this with trying to balance their personal lives, and more teachers have admitted to experiencing burnout (and we’re barely halfway through the school year). Of course, the availability of education technology for helping teachers teach and students learn is plentiful but dizzying – there’s so much out there! Before making a selection, let’s look at what teachers have found successful for remote instruction.

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      Topics: Education Technology, MimioConnect, distance learning, distance teaching, remote learning, remote instruction

      Using Technology to Teach Art, Engineering, and Design from a Distance

      Posted by Hannah Olson on Tue, Oct 27, 2020

      Distance and hybrid learning environments are particularly tricky for engineering, design, and art teachers. Unless you can send packets of activity-specific supplies home with your students, you have to be flexible and work around the resources available in each student’s home, which can vary greatly. You can’t always rely on students having paints, construction paper, or popsicle sticks readily available. Even what were once household staples like paper-towel rolls may not be available in some eco-friendly households that only use reusable cloths. So how can educators provide a complete STEM course with these variables in mind?

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      Topics: STEM Lessons, STEM, distance learning, distance teaching, steam lessons, STEM education, hybrid learning, MyStemKits, Tinkercad

      Remote Learning and Supporting Students with Special Learning Needs

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Thu, Oct 15, 2020

      As most of us have experienced, heard from friends, or seen on the news, remote learning has its challenges. Difficulties have ranged from tech glitches and connection issues to students not showing up to any live virtual lessons. In addition to these challenges, teachers are making every effort to tailor instruction for students with special learning needs, including regular review of students’ Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and/or 504 plans. This can be quite overwhelming for everyone involved, especially the parents at home trying to balance home responsibilities with their child’s specialized needs. How can all involved work together to support the child? Here are some recommendations to consider:

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      Topics: tips fpr teachers, distance learning, distance teaching, student learning, remote learning

      Distance Teaching — Pointers for Preventing Burnout

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Sep 29, 2020

      You’ve probably scrolled through countless social media posts of teachers and students engaging in remote learning. There are posts with teachers dressed up in costumes, really working to get their students engaged. There are posts of students in pajamas, bodies contorted in different ways as they try to make it through a virtual lesson. There seems to be a nice mix of the positive and negative in this new normal of teaching and learning. Although it seems that more schools and educators have prepared for distance teaching, it brings up another concern — distance teaching burnout. With remote learning a reality for many, it is important to recognize the warning signs of burnout and move towards its prevention. But first, what is burnout?

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      Topics: tips for teachers, distance learning, distance teaching

      3 Ways to Incorporate STEM in Distance Learning

      Posted by Braydon Moreno on Tue, Sep 22, 2020

      This pandemic isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Schools are working towards creating an environment where students can learn at home by equipping them with the necessary technology to make the “virtual classroom” a reality. Unfortunately, STEM learning doesn’t appear to be a focus and it needs to be.

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      Topics: STEM Lessons, Labdisc, STEM, STEAM, Robotics, distance learning, distance teaching, 3D printing, STEM education, Mimio MyBot, Robo3D, MyStemKits

      Giving Feedback – Tips for Teachers

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Thu, Sep 3, 2020

      I love feedback. I appreciate how feedback has helped me to improve in different aspects of my life. I believe in giving feedback that makes someone feel good about a job well done. For me, feedback is essential to growth! Yet, I can remember countless afternoons struggling to write feedback on all my students’ essays before the next class session. I wanted to be thorough and write about all of the points I’d reference in the lessons but my hands would cramp, my brain was mush, and by the last student’s paper I was barely writing a sentence or two that I hoped would help them improve. It wasn’t until a colleague showed me what she did — quick notes on each student’s work as she walked around and observed them during independent work time — that I began to feel like my time was being used more effectively and my students were able to implement recommendations as they worked. I also found that because I was saving time, I could talk with each student and really understand their comprehension and academic needs. Those quick convos with each student were some of my favorite times as a teacher.

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      Topics: Student Engagement, tips for teachers, distance teaching, student learning, effective feedback

      Boosting Math Discussions While Distance Teaching

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Sep 1, 2020

      Talking about math is more than merely describing the steps in solving a problem (“First, add the ones, then the tens. If you need to regroup, do that.”). Math discussions are focused on the process of working towards a solution, understanding how others’ think about that process, and developing a plan for similar problems. Students should be pushed to think beyond an explanation of steps to an explanation of process, including making errors and how those were resolved. They should also be encouraged to use different methods and tools when solving a problem, then sharing these ideas with others to build a bank of strategies. In a physical classroom, this can be challenging so how can it be done while distance teaching? More than that, how can it be done successfully?

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      Topics: Math, Student Engagement, tips for teachers, distance learning, distance teaching, student learning


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