Happy Holidays from Boxlight - Please note office and warehouse hours
Topics: Holiday, Boxlight, Boxlight News
Download a few festive activities for some end-of-year fun. Here is a small collection of classroom resources for LYNX, MimioStudio, and MimioConnect that explore Christmas Around the World, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s and more.
Topics: Holiday, Lessons, MimioStudio, MimioConnect, LYNX whiteboard
Let’s face it: The top 20 things teachers like to do over winter break might be filled with at least 10 days of a chance to sleep in, but we all know that most teachers are also caregivers, parents to children of all ages, or parents to fur kids—all of which have their own agenda. But teachers are people too, and we need to start a campaign to do something for ourselves to celebrate the time off we have each December.
The top 20 things I plan to do over winter break are:
Topics: Holiday, tips for teachers
Teachers enjoy the holidays for multiple reasons: Two weeks off school, extra time with our family, a few extra moments to catch up on a good book or television show, and—of course—presents! Even teachers make a list for Santa, and they are checking it twice hoping they get something nice. What’s on your list for Santa this year? Perhaps your list is full of things that others teachers also want most.
After polling elementary school colleagues and friends, here are the top 5 gifts that teachers said would “wow” them this year:
Topics: Holiday, tips fpr teachers
The holiday season is in full swing, so we’re sharing some of our favorite lesson ideas for this time of year. Whether you want to incorporate winter weather or global celebrations into your classroom, we’ve got you covered.
Topics: Holiday, Lessons, curriculum, tips for teachers
Merry and Oh So Bright!
Everyone is counting down the days to holiday break – students and teachers alike. To power all of us through the end of the year, we’re bringing you some holiday cheer today. We asked fellow educators, administrators, and Mimio parents to share the holiday traditions that are observed in their schools and classrooms. These stories put a smile on our faces and also gave us some great ideas for next year.
Wonderful holiday traditions bring fun, the joy of giving, and the spirit of learning to one and all. Enjoy!
Topics: Holiday, Lessons, curriculum
Create Exciting Holiday Lessons With Our Free Gallery Pack!
Topics: Educational Software, Holiday, Christmas, Lessons, Activities