Mimio Educator

      Streamline Outdoor Procedures and More with Lyrik

      Posted by FrontRow on Tue, May 7, 2024

      Effective communication on a school campus is key to ensuring smooth operations and student safety throughout the day. For those responsible for conveying important information, a portable audio system is a flexible asset, facilitating clear communication despite ambient noise. A powerful and versatile portable audio system is Lyrik from FrontRow by Boxlight. Let's delve into how Lyrik amplifies connectivity and organization throughout a standard school day. 

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      Topics: campus communication, campus safety, Lyrik, communication, portable audio

      Navigating Classroom Communication: A Deep Dive into Argumentative vs. Aggressive Dynamics

      Posted by Demetrius Handelih on Wed, Nov 1, 2023

      Communication dynamics between educators in the realm of education, the art of constructive argumentative communication is crucial for the holistic development of students. This form of communication is not solely based on the ability to articulate viewpoints but hinges on a combination of cognitive development, environmental influences, and emotional intelligence. As students navigate the intricate landscape of ideas and discussions, their capacity to engage in reasoned debate depends on critical thinking, problem-solving skills, the presence of positive role models, an encouraging classroom ambiance, and a keen sense of both empathy and self-awareness. Each of these components plays an integral role in shaping a student's ability to communicate their perspectives in a constructive, respectful manner. and students can profoundly influence the classroom environment. As professionals dedicated to nurturing future generations, understanding these dynamics becomes imperative. It's not just about conveying information - it’s also about fostering a positive atmosphere conducive to growth and exploration. Communication researchers have articulated the nuanced distinction between argumentative and aggressive communication and for educators, understanding this distinction is crucial. A deeper exploration of their findings can help educators refine their communication style to foster vibrant, effective classrooms. 

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      Topics: collaborative learning, Student Engagement, tips for teachers, student learning, communication, Classroom Communication

      The Importance of an Integrated Communication System

      Posted by Karleen Vaughn on Mon, Apr 24, 2023

      In today's world, ensuring that schools are safe environments for students, faculty, and staff is of the utmost importance. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that schools need to take measures to improve safety and security. An important tool for achieving this goal is an integrated communication system (ICS), and in this blog post, we'll explore why planning for enhanced school safety is critical and how Boxlight solutions can support this goal. 

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      Topics: campus communication, campus safety, communication, School Safety

      Boxlight Round Table: Planning for Enhanced School Safety

      Posted by Boxlight on Mon, Apr 17, 2023

      As school safety concerns mount, district and school leadership are looking for ways to implement integrated communication systems to enhance what is already set in place. In an effort to help leadership make informed decisions, Boxlight will host a round table discussion on this critical issue – Planning for Enhanced Safety: An Integrated Communication System from Boxlight. 

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      Topics: Webinars, campus communication, campus safety, Round Table, communication, School Safety

      Professional Development to Support Communication and Safety

      Posted by Krista Walker on Thu, Jan 26, 2023

      When districts and schools search out education technology, their checklist of requirements generally includes budget considerations, ease of use, software and apps available, warranty and maintenance, and user training. To successfully implement education technology, quality professional development is essential to support administrators, support staff, educators, and students on how to use technology most effectively and efficiently at the school and district levels. 

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      Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, teacher PD, campus communication, campus safety, communication

      4 Steps to Improve Class Communication

      Posted by Boxlight on Wed, Dec 7, 2022

      Good communication is essential between teacher and student. When teachers communicate effectively with their students, the impact on learning is clear – students have a better understanding of what’s being taught. Of course, the flip side is that when class communication breaks down there is misunderstanding and frustration by both teacher and students which can impede learning. If you’re a teacher and you’ve felt this frustration because your students couldn’t hear you or misunderstood what you said, here are four steps to try to improve communication. 

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      Topics: Education Technology, Whole-Class, tips for teachers, Classroom Audio, communication


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