Mimio Educator

      Turning BYOD Student Devices Into Learning Tools

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Thu, Mar 30, 2017

      Whether it is a school-owned computer or a student BYOD cell phone, classroom management with devices can be challenging. Most students probably see their own device as a gaming/texting/social media gadget—and not as a learning tool. So when teachers ask students to use their devices to learn, and not to play, it can be very challenging. From social media and games to learning tools, most students are highly adept at flipping from one thing to the next, such as hiding apps they shouldn’t be on and masking their social media action. Because of all this, monitoring and managing can be difficult from the outset.

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      Topics: Classroom Technology, Education Technology, MimioMobile, Mobile Devices, BYOD

      Engaging Ways to Formatively Assess Students

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Tue, Mar 21, 2017

      One of the advantages to being a building principal is that I get to see what takes place in classrooms all around the school. I love seeing a great strategy in one classroom, then going to the next classroom and sharing it with another teacher. I think we can all agree that there is not nearly enough of this kind of sharing and collaboration in education. 

      In our school, we have been studying different approaches to formative assessment in the classroom. We looked over about twenty-five different ideas for how to formatively assess, then I asked teachers to try one of the concepts in their classroom and provide me with feedback about the strategy. 

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      Topics: MimioVote assessment, classroom assessment, MimioVote, MimioMobile, Mobile Devices

      Make Your Classroom Library Interactive with Technology

      Posted by Jessica Thiefels on Tue, Dec 1, 2015

      The classroom library is an important space for students – it’s a quiet and comfortable spot where they can read what they want. While there’s nothing wrong with a technology-free classroom library, there’s much to gain from bringing some of these interactive tools into the area, including:

      • Student motivation
      • Student accountability
      • Better organization

      All of these things benefit both you and your students: they’re more excited to read, and you know exactly what they’re reading. To make your classroom library more interactive, try the following three steps.

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      Topics: Classroom Technology, Mobile Devices

      Top 18 Reasons Chromebooks Could Be the Device for You

      Posted by Holly Fritz-Palao on Thu, Nov 5, 2015

      Tablets and Smartphones and Laptops – Oh, My!

      There are so many devices to choose from for your classrooms. Sometimes it is really hard to know what makes one a better choice than others. And by “better,” I mean a better fit for your educators’ and students’ needs, because that’s really what will determine what is the right device for you. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring the top reasons why you might want to choose one type of device over another. In this post we’ll focus on Chromebooks.

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      Topics: Education Technology, MimioMobile, Mobile Devices, Google Classroom

      The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Mobile Devices for the Classroom

      Posted by Dan Winkler on Tue, Sep 1, 2015

      Ever wonder what the difference really is between a smartphone and a tablet?

      When it comes to the mobile devices that can be used in today's classrooms, there are so many different options that it makes you wonder what the real differences are between them.  This Cheat Sheet provides a snapshot of the different device types currently on the market, and offers insight into the pros and cons of using these devices in the classroom.

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      Topics: classroom assessment, Classroom Collaboration, Mobile Devices

      10 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Classroom iPads

      Posted by Travis Rink on Tue, Aug 4, 2015

      From exploring a virtual library to creating a rock video, see what your iPads can do!

      Using iPads in daily activities can be easier than you think.
      One of the biggest trends in educational technology this year is the use of personal devices to create an engaging 1:1 classroom setting. But while 1:1 initiatives are gaining in popularity, many fail to meet the teacher’s expectations over time. It’s generally not the technology that’s at fault. Most often the challenge stems from not knowing how to best to use these devices in the classroom. The use of personal devices can be easier than you think, and the devices offer a wide range of educational uses.

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      Topics: MimioMobile, Mobile Devices

      Mimio's Mobile Device Survey of Educators | K-12

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Thu, Apr 10, 2014

      Mobile devices have a deep and positive impact on student learning, but are still in the early adoption stage.

      Survey conducted by MDR’s EdNET Insights on behalf of Mimio

      Mobile devices are well on their way to becoming an integral part of K-12 instruction, and they are having a noticeably positive impact on students’ learning experiences. These are the major findings from a recent survey conducted by MDR’s EdNET Insight service on behalf of Mimio. This was the third annual survey authorized by Mimio to gain a deeper understanding of educators’ and students’ experience and needs within the interactive classroom.

      While mobile devices are best known for their use in 1:1 or BYOD programs, the school administrators, technology directors, and coordinators who were the survey’s targeted respondents revealed that mobile learning is not at all restricted to such environments.

      Some 75 percent of respondents indicated that their districts or schools were purchasing the devices for use by select grade levels or in specific content areas, rather than the more universal approaches of 1:1 implementation and BYOD programs.

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      Topics: MimioMobile, Mobile Devices

      4 Great Ways to Use Mobile Devices for Assessment

      Posted by Holly Fritz-Palao on Wed, Feb 26, 2014

      Understanding, Practice, Engagement, and a New Model of Assessment

      Mobile devices allow for much more accessible, real-time formative assessment in schools. Teachers are finding that they can immediately assess how well their students are learning, and then adjust their teaching based on this feedback. With so many mobile devices already present in most classrooms, using them for assessment can also save on the cost of purchasing other types of assessment systems.

      As Tech Specialist Lindy George notes, “District mobile devices…allow us to monitor student understanding of concepts to better inform instruction, and for formative assessment they have replaced the purchase of any type of ‘clicker’ system.”

      While mobile devices are ideal for quickly checking student levels of understanding, there are other benefits to be gained from using them for assessment. We list the most popular ways to use them for assessment here.

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      Topics: classroom assessment, MimioMobile, Mobile Devices

      Education is Going Mobile: Mobile trends in the classroom [Infographic]

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Wed, Feb 12, 2014

      Everyone is going mobile, but what does that really mean?

      As mobile devices increasingly become a part of our everyday lives, they are slowly but surely becoming a key part of our classrooms. While some schools continue to ban cell phones, others are embracing them – as well as other kinds of mobile devices. This infographic provides up-to-date statistics on the use of mobile devices in education, and the numbers may surprise you. Check out how students, teachers, and even parents are going mobile.

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      Topics: MimioMobile, Mobile Devices

      Mimio's Guide to Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom

      Posted by Dan Winkler on Mon, Dec 16, 2013

      An uncomplicated guide to a complicated subject

      Mobile devices are making their way into almost every area of our daily lives, and they are slowly but surely doing the same in our schools. While some schools continue to ban cell phones in the classroom, others are embracing them – as well as many other mobile devices. This guide provides up-to-date statistics on the use of mobile devices in education, and the numbers may surprise you. For example, about 54% of K-12 schools currently implement mobile devices.

      To help educators overcome some of the hurdles they face with mobile devices, this guide provides a Quick Reference to the most popular types of mobile devices, and their individual pros and cons. You’ll also find ideas on how to use these devices for collaboration and assessment in the classroom, and a list of popular applications and review sites. 

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      Topics: MimioMobile, Mobile Devices


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