Mimio Educator

      21st Century Learning: Focusing on Citizenship

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Thu, May 25, 2017

      Now that we are 17 years into the 21st century, it is interesting to note that thus far, our 21st century learning skills are still very relevant. When looking through the four elements of the Framework for 21st Century Learning, we see the skills listed that our students continue to need through the first two decades of our century.

      Within the first element, civic literacy is an area that many schools continue to need resources for. From kindergarten to high school, it is critical for students to have exposure to the role we play as citizens in the various governmental structures. There are some resources listed on the framework page, but what could a school do to move toward real-world, application-level learning for civics and citizenship?

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      Topics: Lessons, tips for teachers, Civics, Social Studies


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