Mimio Educator

      2019 Fall Webinar Series: Classroom Technology, Robotics, and Preparing Students for Future Careers

      Posted by Travis Rink on Thu, Sep 19, 2019


      Boxlight is excited to announce its 2019 fall webinar series, featuring insights from experienced leaders in EdTech. The new edition of the Transforming Learning in the Classroom webinar series will bring five free webinars about three unique topics, including using robotics to prepare students for college and careers, utilizing technology to promote critical thinking, and the fundamentals of project-based learning.

      The series will begin on October 1 with Project-Based Learning Resources for the Classroom, and will continue each week throughout October. The webinars were developed with educators in mind, offering practical ideas for using technology in the classroom to promote student engagement and success. Each webinar is led by experienced educators and leaders in EdTech, and will offer valuable knowledge for all who attend.

      Here are three things you can expect to learn in the 2019 fall webinar series:

      1. How robotics is preparing students for their future careers

      Robotics programs are helping to set students up to become the next generation of STEM professionals. Learning how to create and program robots can help students develop an understanding of STEAM-based concepts while promoting valuable real-world skills such as communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Join Stephen Barker, Boxlight’s VP of STEM Education, and Jim Christensen, Executive Director of the Aldrin Family Foundation’s ShareSpace Education, as they discuss how robotics helps prepare students for complex STEM majors and careers during our A Robotic Odyssey: How Robotics Is Helping Prepare Students to be Tomorrow’s Inventors, Programmers, and Astronauts webinar.

      1. How technology can change the way students think

      Too often, teachers stop instruction at basic knowledge and students aren’t challenged to dig deeper into the content. Other times, teachers are too quick to move past the foundational knowledge students need, and students fail to transfer their understanding and apply it in a critical way. Join experienced educator Kelly Bielefeld for our Surface Learning vs. Deep Learning: How Technology Can Help Students Think Deeper webinar. During this insightful session, you'll learn more about the importance of both surface and deep learning, and how you can achieve a happy medium between the two using various forms of technology.

      1. How (and why) to implement project-based learning in your classroom

      Establishing project-based learning in your classroom can be an intimidating task if you aren’t sure where to start. During our Project-Based Learning Resources for the Classroom webinar, experienced educators and tech lovers Paul Gigliotti and Lynn Erickson will discuss the fundamentals of project-based learning and share helpful ideas for engaging students in performance-based tasks to connect them to real-world situations. By joining this webinar, you will also gain access to useful lesson examples, rubrics, templates, and other resources for implementing project-based learning in your own classroom.

      Here is the full schedule for the webinar series:

      To learn more about this valuable learning opportunity and register for each webinar, visit the fall webinar landing page.

      Topics: Education Technology, Educational influencers, Webinars


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