Mimio Educator

      January Tips and Training for Teachers

      Posted by Travis Rink on Mon, Dec 31, 2018


      Happy New Year! As you return to your classroom this month after the holiday break, it’s the perfect opportunity to spruce up your lessons. Here is our collection of themed content to help you keep students engaged all month long:

      January Calendar and Morning Meeting: This themed lesson pack will take you and your students through the month of January. Students can share their resolutions and practice skills using the calendars, morning meeting activities, attendance chart, graphing and math activities, and more.

      Lesson Renovation | Martin Luther King, Jr: This lesson dives into the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and is perfect to share with your students as his birthday is celebrated this month. A video is used to introduce the lesson, and fact/opinion and ordering events are included as students explore his life.

      "Get More" Capitals Collections: This collection of lessons is divided into regions of the United States, providing lots of opportunities for students to learn and practice the states and capitals in fun and engaging ways.

      "Get More" Intro to Money: Learning about money and remembering the different coin names and values can be difficult for young learners, but this lesson makes it fun!

      If you enjoyed the above content, consider joining MimioConnect™, our interactive teaching community, to access more of our valuable lesson content and resources. Click here to register today!


      If you’re like many people, the new year means new resolutions. These may include goals such as quitting smoking, losing weight, joining a gym, stressing less, or saving money. As a teacher, it’s important to include learning new skills with your resolutions in order to help your students succeed. Here are some tips to help you in 2019: 


      Get Whole-Class Learning With MimioTeach

      Learning new skills may involve taking some time to better integrate an interactive whiteboard (IWB), such as the MimioTeach™ portable interactive whiteboard, into your classroom routines. There are so many benefits once this amazing tech tool is fully embraced—not only for teachers, but also for students. Once connected, the MimioTeach puts the power of learning and interactivity in the hands of the stylus holder.

      The real magic behind the MimioTeach is the easy-to-use MimioStudio™ classroom software. In a math class, with the tap of the stylus on your whiteboard, you can easily select the pen tool, change the color, and begin demonstrating how to solve a multi-step algebra problem. A tap of the eraser tool allows you to fix a problem in the process. In a language arts room, a teacher may have a reading passage pulled up on the screen. Students can simply tap on the highlighter tool and use the stylus to highlight key parts of the reading. Down the hall in a science classroom, students are charged with sorting through different images of atoms and molecules to build a three-dimensional model of carbon dioxide using the selector tool.

      The teacher can use a variety of built-in presentation tools—such as the spotlight or reveal tool—allowing attention to be placed on exactly what they are teaching in their class. The MimioTeach provides a great tool to make teachers better at what they do. It also creates unlimited options for adding critical thinking and interactivity to lessons you already teach. Learn more from teachers who use the MimioTeach in their classroom in our January Quick Learn sessions, offered on January 3 and 22 at 7:00pm ET. 


      Get Up and Running in Minutes

      Learning how to best utilize the MimioStudio software can go hand-in-hand with integrating your IWB in your classroom. With the MimioStudio software, you have many tools and features available at your fingertips to make lessons more engaging and interactive. Some of the most widely used tools are the selector, pen, highlighter, and eraser.

      With the selector tool, students select anything designed to be sorted or moved in an interactive lesson, creating a lot of possibilities for informal assessment and critical thinking. Of course, the selector tool is widely used by teachers as they construct lessons in order to manipulate objects in their lessons. With the pen and highlighter tools, you have the ability to change to a variety of colors and thickness of the stroke. The eraser tool does the obvious, removing any unwanted writing created by the pen or highlighter.

      These are some of the most basic tools, but likely the most universally used that allow a brand-new user the ability to get started using the software and technology within just a few minutes. Like most of the tools in the software, the usage is very intuitive and designed with students and teachers in mind. Let our expert classroom teachers show you how to get started using these tools and more by joining our upcoming “Tour of MimioStudio” Quick Learn sessions, offered on January 7 at 7:00pm ET and January 22 at 8:30pm ET. 

      Interested in checking out more of the Quick Learn sessions offered this month? Click here to view our complete list!


      Topics: Classroom Technology, Professional Development for Teachers, MimioStudio, tips for teachers


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