Mimio Educator

Differentiated Instruction Using Interactive Technology

Posted by Lisa Williams on Wed, Jul 18, 2012

Student AssessmentDifferentiated instruction is a hot term these days, but it's actually been around for a while. It can be interpreted in different ways, but it's basically just a way to reach each child at his or her own level. As teachers we do this every day, and for the most part, knowing our students is the first step in differentiating instruction. No standardized test is going to give us the knowledge we need to differentiate instruction. What it takes is knowing the strengths and weaknesses of our students and how they learn best.

What if you add technology to your repertoire?

What if it were simple to create an environment using the tools you have and instantly reach all your students? With the addition of interactive technology, it's that easy. For example, using a MimioTeachTM interactive whiteboard, you are able to provide whole-group instruction using a variety of applications, simply by tapping in to your computer. Your whiteboard becomes interactive, so you can quickly apply various techniques, reaching your linear, kinesthetic, and visual learners at the same time. Students who approach learning a little hesitantly may be willing to try harder. When you incorporate the use of a MimioViewTM document camera and MimioVoteTM assessment, differentiated instruction becomes a part of every lesson and activity - not something additional to "have to do."

You can build Differentiated Instruction into your whole-class lessons

By building lessons and accessing various websites using interactive technology, you can open up a world that allows for natural exploration and curiosity, thereby creating an environment with differentiation built in. Of course there will be times when you will use other methods of determining the best path for a student or students. But when interactive technology is a part of your toolbox, the choices are practically endless.

Download our Free Whitepaper:

Technology Changes In the Classroom: In search of effective, flexible solutions.
T.V. Joe Layng, PH.D.

In this whitepaper, Dr. Layng illustrates a model for integrating flexible classroom technology to facilitate differentiated instruction. 


How do you differentiate instruction in your classroom? Leave your comment below!


Topics: Classroom Technology, Education Technology, Interactive Whiteboard


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