Mimio Educator

      The Top 10 Mimio Educational Technology FAQs

      Posted by Alyssa O'Mara on Tue, Aug 21, 2012

      It's back to school time, whether we like it or not! Hopefully by now you've started getting that adreneline rush so many of our teachers talk about when they are thinking about the new school year. To give you a head start, I asked our Tech Support Expert, Ashish Aggarwal, for a list of the top ten questions he receives. Here's what Ashish had to say:

      Mimio Tech Support Expert“I work with many Mimio users on a daily basis, helping them troubleshoot and resolve issues related to Mimio interactive classroom hardware and educational software products. Here is my list of the top ten frequently asked questions that come from current and potential Mimio users.”

      1. How can I create my own activities using MimioStudio ActivityWizard?

      ActivityWizard, a new feature of MimioStudio™ 9 classroom software, automates the creation process for you, calling out the steps to design high-quality, effective instruction in minutes. You simply choose a subject, grade level, template, and topic. The knowledge engine then goes to work to automatically populate your activity with relevant facts and images. The ActivityWizard tool is based on proven instructional design principles, and will call out critical components for creating effective instruction. Lesson creation doesn’t get any easier. Click for more information about the MimioStudio Activity Wizard

      2. Can I import SMART and Promethean files?

      MimioStudio software can import both SMART and Promethean files. It is able to support many of the common aspects of these file types, allowing teachers to open, view, and edit them. However, many SMART and Promethean files have unique programming that does not allow full compatibility for all interactive aspects, including certain background types and some Flash animations. At this point in time you will not be able to open these particular files in MimioStudio. Mimio will continue to research and address compatibility issues with each new release of MimioStudio.
      Did you know that you can use Mimio's Award-Winning software with other technology products? Find out about MimioStudio Licensing options.

      3. Does MimioStudio support touch?

      The MimioTeach™ interactive whiteboard uses an interactive stylus pen that acts as a computer mouse to navigate and select. You also use the stylus to write and draw directly on the whiteboard. Therefore, touch is not supported.

      4. What is the maximum number of MimioVote handsets you can use in a classroom?

      You can combine two trays of 32 handsets, for a maximum of 64 handsets per classroom.

      5. Does MimioStudio work with the iPad?

      Currently MimioStudio software works with Mac OSX and Windows OS. Mimio does not currently support iPad-iOS, Google-Android, or BlackBerry-OS.  MimioStudio software responds to standard Mac/Windows mouse control. If a tablet works with these two operating systems, then it may work with MimioStudio software; however, Mimio does not support it. Mimio does offer a tablet that works with MimioStudio--the MimioPad™ wireless pen tablet.

      6. Is it possible to receive MimioStudio software updates automatically?

      You can receive notification of MimioStudio software updates as follows:

      1. Open MimioStudio Notebook.
      2. Go to Tools | Settings | Software Updates.
      3. Put a check mark in the box “Notify me when updates are available.”

      7. How can I activate MimioStudio? What if I lost my product key?

      To activate MimioStudio software—even without a product key—connect any Mimio hardware device to your computer.

      8. Does MimioView work with Skype?

      The MimioView™ document camera can be used as a Webcam with any video conferencing application that supports Window UVC devices, including Skype, Elluminate, iChat, and Citrix. We have tested it with Skype and it works with no additional setup. You can now have a MimioView camera in one room—either in the same building or across the globe—and students can tune in on their PC to see what is happening in a class or in an experiment under the camera. Just go to www.skype.com, download the small application, set up a user name, and log in. The software will recognize the MimioView camera as a "USB Video Device."

      9. What is the difference between the MimioStudio Trial Version and the fully activated version?

      The trial version is a great tool to try out the basic software, but does not include the following MimioStudio features:

      • Gallery
      • ActivityWizard
      • Handwriting Recognition
      • Shape Recognition
      • Reveal
      • Spotlight
      • Recorder
      • Gradebook
      • Launch
      • Screen Annotation
      • QuickVote Text Tools

      10. The MimioTeach stylus has 2 buttons. What are their functions? Can I reconfigure the buttons on the MimioTeach stylus?

      The two buttons on the stylus activate functions: Hover/Right Click and MimioStudio tools. For left mouse click, touch the projected area with the tip of the stylus twice. You can reconfigure both buttons on the stylus. Please note that once you reconfigure them, the default will be reset and the buttons will no longer retain the original functions of Right Click and MimioStudio tools.

      Do you have other questions for Ashish? Please post them in the comments section and Ashish will answer them here so that everyone may learn. As they say, no question is a bad question!

      Have a great year and don't forget to subscribe to the blog to stay informed of the latest interactive teaching technology news!

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      Topics: Classroom Technology, Educational Software, Education Technology, Interactive Whiteboard


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