Mimio Educator

[eBook]  NEW! The Big Guide to STEM Volume 2

Posted by Travis Rink on Thu, Oct 10, 2019



You’ve probably heard of STEM—you may even teach STEM in your classroom. The key to students’ success is not only to learn science, technology, engineering, and math, but also to understand how those disciplines apply to the world around them. Students need to develop the critical skills that will prepare them for beyond the classroom, enabling them to be tomorrow’s engineers and innovators.

TheBigGuidetoSTEM_v2-1To help you further your STEM efforts in the classroom, our new and improved STEM guide is now available! We've updated the stats, included new articles, refreshed our top ten lists, and added two new lists featuring robotics and coding as well as space. Plus, we dive into the many ways you can bring STEM learning into the classroom, how to engage students in STEM subjects to ensure they’re prepared for careers in these fields, and take a look at the STEM products that are changing the way we teach and students learn.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find in our new and improved STEM guide:

  • Articles: From branching out STEM concepts and creating STEM-focused lessons to why it’s critical to involve girls in STEM, our articles provide valuable insight into STEM learning.

  • Top 10 lists: Looking for the best STEM events, tech products, apps, and resources for teaching about space? We’ve got you covered! We’ve also included a list of available funding to help you bring STEM into your classroom even if you’re on a tight budget.

  • Infographic: We need a STEM workforce, and our STEM by the Numbers infographic shows just how important STEM learning is for today’s students.

  • Robotics: Interested in incorporating robotics in your lessons? Check out our top three considerations for bringing this popular activity to your classroom.

  • And more!

STEM occupations have grown 79% since 1990, so it’s imperative that we make STEM a priority for all students. Download our valuable Big Guide to STEM Volume 2 today to discover the many ways to incorporate STEM learning in the classroom!


Topics: STEM


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