Mimio Educator

I didn’t know you could do that with a document camera!

Posted by Travis Rink on Tue, Mar 18, 2014

DocumentCamera, Educational TechnologyWe are pleased to introduce a new monthly series of blog articles featuring cool, engaging, and unique things you can do with interactive technology tools. Each article will present a number of ways in which you can leverage the capabilities of a specific tool. We will cover everything from interactive whiteboards to assessment systems, and every article will show you new ways to make your classroom more engaging and fun for your students. 

Our first featured product is the document camera. Document cameras such as the MimioView™ document camera are relatively small cameras that a teacher can connect to the classroom computer and/or projector to show the class still images or live video on the front-of-the-room display.

Here are 10 great ideas for using your document camera:
  1. It’s all in the details. Block the students from seeing the object you have positioned under the document camera. Zoom in on a very small detail of the object. Ask the students to observe different aspects of the object and discuss as a group how these aspects may help them guess what the object is. Encourage the class to work together to figure out what the object is.
  2. Document Camera or Scanner – or Both. When a classroom document camera is connected to a computer, it can serve as a scanner. Teachers can place items under the document camera for use in class that day, then scan them to save the images for future use.
  3. Lights, Camera, Action. Record what you did in class on the document camera, then post it to a classroom website. Parents can then see what their children are learning throughout the day.
  4. Use as a Webcam. With applications such as Skype and other video conferencing applications, you can use the document camera to talk to and see other classrooms or virtual guest speakers anywhere in the world.
  5. Use as a Microscope. Most document cameras come with a microscope adapter so you can let the whole class see the details of a microscopic slide from their seats. Students no longer have to be isolated at their own microscope.
  6. On Your Mark. Place a timer under the document camera to help with time management or timing activities.
  7. Math Manipulatives. Demonstrate math concepts through manipulatives that the entire class can see at once.
  8. Student Portfolios. Have students use the document camera to capture images of their work for digital portfolios, which they can then use for video presentations.
  9. Students Show Their Talent. Have groups of students work together with the document camera to create songs/raps/skits related to a particular content area. Then post their work on the class website, or embed it into a file for the rest of the class to review.
  10. Modeling. The document camera makes it possible for the teacher to model how to do things for the whole class.For example: note taking, diagraming a sentence, or even using a calculator.

The document camera is a great tool that can bring details and live video to the entire classroom. We hope you enjoyed these ideas and we’d love to hear yours! Post some here in the comment section, or on our Facebook page.

Want to learn more about the MimioView document camera? Click here to watch a video and get more information.


Learn More About MimioView

Topics: Classroom Technology, Education Technology


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