Mimio Educator

September Tips and Training for Teachers

Posted by Travis Rink on Wed, Sep 4, 2019


Now certainly is an exciting time with the start of the new school year! It’s another opportunity to build relationships with students and truly make a difference in their world in ways we can’t even fully imagine. 

As you prepare your lessons this month, you may be looking for ways to engage your students as everyone settles in for the new year. We’ve got you covered with our collection of themed lesson content for September:

  • September Calendar and Morning Meeting: The school year is already underway for many of us, while others are just returning to the classroom. As we get into September, this morning meeting pack will have students practicing skills all month long with the featured calendars, activities, attendance chart, and more.

  • 2019–20 Back to School Pack: Back by popular demand, this year's back to school packs feature calendars, morning meeting activities, attendance charts, seating charts, daily graphing activities, and more. They are filled with everything you need to kick off the new school year!

  • SEL Extended Lesson | 100 Acts to Kindness: There are so many lesson pages available in the 2019–20 Back to School Gallery Pack that we decided to extend some to show you how you might expand on an existing idea with additional practice pages. Enjoy!

  • Lesson Renovation | Let's Learn About the Seasons: In this renovated lesson, students will learn about the four seasons with a variety of fun and interactive pages.

If you enjoyed the above content, consider joining MimioConnect™, our interactive teaching community, to access more of our valuable lesson content and resources. Click here to register today!

New Skills for the New School Year

I have always loved the beginning of the school year, especially when I have the opportunity to have a fresh start. Don’t get me wrong—it’s a lot of work to get the ship ready to sail for the voyage ahead. But the work is really satisfying, whether it involves making the perfect lesson plans for an exciting new project you want to introduce to hook kids, making curriculum tweaks to provide the latest great resources, or finding new ways to integrate even more teaching tools to make learning more interactive and fun. It’s also the perfect time for teachers to brush up on any technology they have access to, or learn how to start implementing new tech tools in the classroom that will have a measurable impact on student learning.

You might find a lot of value in brushing up on your skills or learning something new in our September Mimio Quick Learn sessions. We’ve loaded up the month with free interactive training sessions that cover the basics of using Boxlight products such as the MimioStudio™ software, as well as the advanced features that will have immediate impacts in your classroom. Did I mention that the sessions are taught by educators who use these tools in the classroom each day? Plus, you can earn a professional development certificate for every session!

Check out the following core training sessions designed to get you up and running on MimioStudio classroom software and the MimioTeach™ portable interactive whiteboard:

There are so many tools, lessons, projects, and instructional strategies to help you achieve the curriculum goals you have. However, there’s just one resource that can make it all happen: you! I encourage you to challenge yourself this year and continue pushing to find new ways to impact students. Have a great year and make a difference!

Interested in checking out more of the Quick Learn sessions offered this month? Click here to view our complete list!


Topics: tips for teachers


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