Mimio Educator

      Teaching Tales: Time Traveler Day Sparks Classroom Time Capsules

      Posted by Christine Hall on Fri, Dec 8, 2023

      Time Traveler Day-memory capsules-Christine Hall_12.08.2023When I embarked on my teaching career as a 4th-grade teacher in Verrado, Arizona, the vast desert landscape was a far cry from the familiar surroundings of my hometown in Detroit, Michigan. Transitioning from a state surrounded by lakes to the sparse desert evoked a deep appreciation for the resilience of the land and the communities flourishing in this seemingly inhospitable terrain. 

      Today is Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day (December 8, 2023). Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day whimsically celebrates the allure of time travel, sparking curiosity and reflection on the mysteries of temporal exploration in popular culture. Seeing this day on my calendar takes me back to a special memory from my early teaching days. It was a time when I, like my students, became a time traveler of sorts. We delved into a fascinating project to celebrate our town's 100-year anniversary, a project that left an indelible mark on my teaching philosophy. 

      The concept was simple yet powerful - students could choose any time frame, past or future, and create a time capsule representing that era. This not only celebrated our community's rich history but also allowed students to explore the spirit of change over time. Today I see Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day on my calendar —a day that may not seem very important—it brings back memories of the happiness and positive impact such projects had on students and teachers. 


      Application for Teachers 
      For fellow educators, consider channeling the spirit of time travel in your classrooms. Encourage students to take pride in their local history by assigning a time capsule project. Share the process of the project on digital displays throughout the school campus to involve everyone in the school community. Connecting with the community's past not only fosters a deeper appreciation for the present but also creates lasting memories that stand the test of time. 

      Join me in revisiting the magic of time travel in the classroom and making Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day a celebration of meaningful connections and shared experiences. 


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