Mimio Educator

      Paget Hetherington

      Paget Hetherington joined Mimio in September 2011, and is the Vice President of Marketing. She was previously Director of Marketing at Lexia Learning. Since the start of her career, Paget’s focus has been on helping children learn. She began her career working for Dorling Kindersley as their U.S. and Canadian Sales Director, selling children’s books to publishers. Paget then went on to sell both children’s books and educational software to countries around the world. After 11 years with Dorling Kindersley, she became International Marketing Director for Vivendi Universal Publishing in Paris, where she successfully launched and marketed their interactive children’s publishing program across Europe. When Houghton Mifflin was purchased by Vivendi in 2002, Paget was named Vice President of Technology Products for Houghton Mifflin’s supplemental textbook division, Great Source. She relocated to Boston, where she helped Great Source enter the electronic publishing business. In 2004, Paget joined Soliloquy Learning as their Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and launched the company’s speech-recognition fluency program. In 2007 Paget joined Lexia Learning as their Director of Marketing. Paget has a BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Virginia. She attended the University of Cambridge, Churchill College, during her Junior Year, as well as the Sorbonne. Paget lived in Europe for 14 years and speaks fluent French.
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      Recent Posts

      The Mimio Solution: Empowering Teachers and Engaging Students

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Tue, Apr 23, 2013

      Teaching is changing. Fast. Old-school techniques and tools are no longer up to the task. Today’s students have grown up immersed in a world of technology. This digital generation responds to student-centered, interactive learning environments. Ask them about chalkboards or filmstrips, and they’ll likely be asleep before they can answer. But have them describe how they want to be taught today, and you will hear words like “fun,” “engaging,” and “interactive.” This generation is not stationary – it’s mobile. Tablet devices, interactive whiteboards, and captivating software programs are what today’s students want and need in order to learn.

      Mimio Collaboration ipadWe’ve been talking with you, our educator community, about some of the challenges you face and how we can help you solve them. What we have found is that you are looking for technology that’s both easy to use and affordable. You want professional development that’s available both in-person and online, to accommodate schedules and budgets. You need curriculum that’s aligned to the Common Core State Standards – curriculum that teachers don’t have to modify unless they want to, and that includes embedded formative assessment. Above all, you want technology that works to increase student achievement.

      Our Solution

      Over the past year, we have extended our classroom technology offerings with an array of innovative hardware, software, and curriculum products that we hope will solve your problems. We launched a new interactive display called the MimioProjector™ interactive projector, which joins our other display systems: the portable MimioTeach™ interactive whiteboard and the MimioBoard™ fixed board solution. No matter what your current technology, we have a solution that can help you leverage what you’ve already purchased.

      We also recently improved our award-winning MimioStudio™ software. MimioStudio software continues to be the best software solution for interactive teaching tools. Working with our newly upgraded MimioPad™ wireless pen tablet, MimioStudio software now provides educators with the tools needed to create a truly collaborative learning environment. MimioStudio software works with iPads and with all other software programs, including PowerPoint.

      Mimio Goes Mobile

      In January, we launched our new MimioMobile™ application to help teachers incorporate iPads into their classrooms. Along with MimioPad tablets and other Mimio devices and content, teachers have at their fingertips the ability to create true collaborative and engaging learning environments for their students.

      Creating Content Aligned to the Common Core

      Mimio also provides Pre-K−8 adaptive reading instruction and lessons with the MimioReading™ comprehension suite, now also available for use on iPads. In March we launched MimioScience™ interactive lessons. The MimioScience curriculum aligns to the recently released science standards (Next Generation Science Standards), and includes an extensive series of over 225 high-quality lessons for students in grades 3-8.

      We’re not done. Expanding our product portfolio with more software platforms, cloud-based offerings, and enhanced technologies is on the horizon.

      Our Professional Development Team Is Also Hard At Work

      We have always been committed to helping teachers, offering no-cost online training opportunities, as well as in-person in-depth classes geared towards educators who would like to master using interactive technology in the classroom. Many graduates of these programs return to their districts and become a great resource to their colleagues.

      We hope that the work we are doing aligns with your needs. Leave us a comment below and let us know how we’re doing.

      We also invite you to take a look at a case study of the Hempfield, PA school district. Their problem was that their classroom technology sat on a shelf unused. Read the case study or watch the video to see how our solution solved their problem.

      Download Your Case Study Now

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      Topics: Classroom Technology, Education Technology

      Mimio Addresses Next Generation Science Standards with MimioScience educational software

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Tue, Mar 19, 2013

      Today we are proud to announce the launch of MimioScience™ interactive lessons. This state-of-the-art software, one of the first to address the upcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), comprises an extensive series of 75 interactive whiteboard units that provide more than 225 high-quality lessons for students in grades 3-8.

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      Topics: Educational Software, Science Lessons, NGSS, STEM Lessons, MimioScience

      Announcing the New MimioScience - Educational Software Addresses NGSS

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Mon, Mar 18, 2013

      Today we are proud to announce the launch of MimioScience™ interactive lessons. This state-of-the-art software, one of the first to address the upcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), comprises an extensive series of 75 interactive whiteboard units that provide more than 225 high-quality lessons for students in grades 3-8.

      “Science education in the United States is frequently described as ‘a mile wide and an inchMimioScience interactive lessons deep,’” said Manny Perez, Mimio’s general manager. “As schools attempt to cover everything from physical science to life science, nothing is taught or learned in sufficient depth, a problem that really plagues science education. Our goal in developing MimioScience was to design a teaching tool that effectively and efficiently distills science teaching to its fundamental core elements: concepts, principles, and processes. The lessons’ targeted activities give students a way to apply and extend what they’ve learned through application and inquiry.”

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      Topics: Classroom Technology, Educational Software, Lessons, Science Lessons, NGSS, STEM Lessons, MimioScience

      Mimio Announces New Partnership with DigiCore Corporation

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Mon, Mar 11, 2013

      Paget1Mimio has always been committed to delivering amazing innovation across our hardware, software and content offerings.  Today, we are pleased to announce our newest initiative – a collaboration developed in order to work to close student achievement gaps.  This new alliance gives us a unique opportunity to help educators leverage our best-in-class interactive whiteboard and student response system technologies with DigiCore’s common core standards aligned, integrated platform of supplemental digital math and language arts lessons and assessments for students in grades K-8.

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      Four Keys to Developing In-Depth Learning, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration Skills

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Fri, Feb 8, 2013

      Mimio Classroom CollaborationIt used to be that textbooks, chalkboards, lectures, and note-taking were enough to provide an effective education. But these “old school” teaching tools and techniques are no longer up to the task. To be truly successful, students now need to have a deep comprehension of concepts and develop “21st Century” skills like critical thinking and collaboration.

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      Topics: Education Technology, Reading Comprehension

      Mimio Wins in Tech & Learning's Awards of Excellence Program!

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Thu, Nov 8, 2012

      Tech & Learning 2012 Award

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      Topics: Educational Software, Education Technology, Interactive Whiteboard

      Expanding Horizons And Mimio Educational Technologies - ISTE 2012

      Posted by Paget Hetherington on Wed, Aug 1, 2012

      Mimio Booth at ISTE

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      Topics: Classroom Technology, Educational Software, Interactive Whiteboard, MimioReading, MimioBoard


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