The award-winning ProColor 3 and MimioPro 4 interactive display panels help transform instruction, collaboration, and learning so that education is more than a presentation – it's an engaging and dynamic experience. The following firmware updates are scheduled to release December 14th, offering optimized performance and improved security.
Mimio Pro4 updates include:
Refreshed CleverSuite – Clevershare, Cleverstore, and ClevertouchLive
- New Clevershare APK with increased security.
- Permissions turned on by default.
- Floating window does not show code.

- Under Settings > Display, there is now a Display Brightness slider/control option.

- For System Settings, No signal power off options have been included.

- Options for SystemBar collapse time – off, after 30, 15, 10, and 5 seconds

- Rename backstage in tool bar as Live Apps

- Curate Notes library images
- Enhanced audio settings
- Hide Application Web view App
- New NDMS agent with fixes
- Clone to USB issue with WIFI/Network settings resolved
- Chinese pinyin and SOGOU keyboards support
ProColor 3 updates include:
- Refreshed CleverSuite – Clevershare, Cleverstore, and ClevertouchLive
- New Clevershare APK with increased security.
- Permissions turned on by default.
- Floating window does not show code.
- Curate Notes library images
- Enhanced audio settings
- New NDMS agent with fixes