Mimio Educator

New STEM Teacher Professional Development Available!

Posted by Boxlight on Wed, Sep 8, 2021

New STEM training_09.08.2021

Believe it or not, this generation of young people is interested in data – likes, shares, comments. They sometimes use this data to create content, even apps, to address what they perceive as needs observed. How can this translate to STEM learning in the classroom? When problems are addressed within real-life contexts, this generation of students – digital natives who are accustomed to using technology to find answers and research information – are more likely to be engaged in the learning process. 

To help teachers support STEM instruction, Boxlight’s MimioSTEM has developed three online, self-paced courses for the Robo 3D printer, Mimio MyBot robotics system, and Labdisc portable STEM lab. Each interactive course helps teachers get up and running with MimioSTEM products. 

Robo E3 3D Printer 


MyBot Fusion 


Labdisc Sensors 


To learn more about Boxlight MimioSTEM solutions, including self-paced, online training, go to boxlight.com/stem-education. 

Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, STEM Lessons, STEM, MimioSTEM


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