Mimio Educator

      Our Favorite Experiences of the Year - Team Boxlight

      Posted by Boxlight on Wed, Dec 28, 2022


      Boxlight had some amazing experiences this year, such as adding FrontRow, a leading audio solutions company, to our family of brands and winning multiple education technology awards* including Overall EdTech Company of the Year. While our expansion and wins are noteworthy, what keeps us going are the partners, customers, and educators we engage with. Some of our Boxlight family shared their favorite experiences from this past year. 

      EOY blog profile pics

      What was your favorite experience this year showcasing our solutions at an educator conference? 

      Hannah Olson-blueI loved my week on the road with the MimioSTEM Mobile as Braydon (Moreno) and I figured out how to create the most engaging demo possible. It was so fun to see what appealed to educators in our interactive Mission to Mars and fine-tune the experience before Braydon took it across the country. 


      Braydon Moreno - blue Having the MimioSTEM Mobile on the (conference) floor and showcasing our STEM solutions to all the attendees. 


      Katie Smith-blueI love it when a customer reacts with total surprise when I share with them everything Boxlight includes with our classroom touch panel (interactive display) solutions. 


      Jonathan Lockwood - blue FETC (Future of Education Technology Conference) in Orlando, FL was a great opportunity to meet like-minded techies looking for ways to bring more technology solutions into their schools and classrooms. 



      Marianne Connell-blue GAETC (Georgia Educational Technology Conference) in Atlanta! I had so much fun sharing our solutions with educators from around Georgia! 


      What was your favorite experience with educators? 

      Jonathan Lockwood - blue I especially enjoyed working with Vanessa Miller from Grace Christian School (Cypress, CA) while she worked through a project of building a fully functioning 3D-printed violin using our Robo3D printers. 


      Vanessa Miller violin

      Marianne Connell-blue I really enjoyed sharing MyStemKits with the educators at GAETC. They were all so enthusiastic and impressed with our STEM solutions! 


      Katie Smith-blue I love being onsite hearing the excitement from teachers, when they learn for the first time, how our interactive displays engage their students with our ease-of-use technology. 


      Braydon Moreno - blue Training the 30 teachers in Greenfield Union School District (Bakersfield, CA) on how to use 3D printers in their respective classrooms. 


      Hannah Olson-blue I always love traveling around the country to do professional development and getting teachers excited about our STEM solutions, but this year I got to go to Father Yermo Elementary School (El Paso, TX) while the students were in session. It was so much fun to train their teacher and then immediately watch her put it into action with her students. Seeing both her enthusiasm and her students’ excitement about all their new tech tools was definitely a highlight! 


      What was your favorite experience with your team? 

      Braydon Moreno - blue Traveling around in the MimioSTEM Mobile with our Mission to Mars project and visiting over 50 schools and districts across the country with our sales partners. 



      Jonathan Lockwood - blue Working with the entire EOS team with Port Arthur ISD (Port Arthur, TX) was an amazing collaborative effort to plan and present a multi-day professional development conference covering everything from SEL (Social Emotional Learning) to STEM. 


      Marianne Connell-blue For me, this year has been all about learning! I have really enjoyed getting to know all of our amazing products and sharing my knowledge with customers and partners. 


      What solution do you think is going to be the 'rock star' solution for 2023?  

      Marianne Connell-blue Our audio solutions (FrontRow by Boxlight) will be the rock stars in 2023! They are easy-to-use and they integrate with our interactive technology for emergency alerts and hybrid learning. 


      Hannah Olson-blue All things MimioSTEM! The convenience of a single solution for a school’s STEM education needs is huge. Having one team for professional development and support, and one platform for all the STEM products just simplifies everything so teachers can focus on what matters most – their students.  

      The Boxlight family looks forward to continued success and collaboration with our partners and customers. Thank you for an amazing 2022! 



      *For an up-to-date list of awards earned by our solutions, click: 


      To explore Boxlight solutions for education, go to www.boxlight.com. 

      Topics: Education Technology, Team Boxlight


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