Mimio Educator

      Our Teachers are the Heart of Education

      Posted by Boxlight on Tue, Oct 5, 2021


      “I think I have learned that the best way to lift ones self up is to help someone else.”

      Booker T. Washington 

      The world’s teachers are going on two years dealing with the changes and hurdles that the coronavirus pandemic has handed them. Teachers continue to tap into their creativity and imagination to foster environments where their students can learn new ideas, develop new skills, and progress as they, too, navigate the challenges they’re dealing with. For these reasons, and more, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has chosen for the 2021 World Teachers’ Day theme Teachers at the heart of the education recoveryThe intent of the theme is to focus on supporting teachers as they help contribute to the recovery process, including the steps needed to ensure teachers develop their full potential. 

      Besides making sure our teachers know how much we need them through meaningful discussions and plans for improved support systems, we can show our gratitude through our words of praise. Let your teachers – past and present – know how much of an impact they’ve made, and continue to make, in the lives of children. Thank them for persevering through some exceedingly difficult days with compassion, patience, and professionalism. If you want to do more, collaborate with others such as community partners to recognize, and celebrate our teachers with a gift that conveys Thank you for ALL that you do. Don't stop after this day. Express your appreciation every single day for every single day that they have shown up and made sacrifices, all in the name of education and for the smiling, hopeful faces in front of them. Thank you to our teachers worldwide. You are amazing.

      Thank you. Gracias. Merci. Grazie. Danke. Bedankt. Obrigado. Спасибо (Spasiba). 谢谢 (xiè xiè). 감사합니다 (gahm-sa-hab-ni-da). شكرًا (šukran). Dzięki. Hvala. Tak. Mahalo. Salamat. धन्यवाद (dhun-yuh-vaad). ありがとう (Arigato). Mulţumesc. Fa'afetai.  

      Topics: teacher support, World Teacher Day


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