Mimio Educator

      The Professional Development & Ed Tech Vision for Las Cruces Public Schools

      Posted by Boxlight on Tue, Oct 4, 2022

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      Because technology is playing a greater role in teaching and learning, in large part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, school districts are making high-quality professional development an essential focus. Las Cruces Public Schools (Las Cruces, NM) is one such district with an expectation that their schools are “diverse, equitable, and provide opportunities for the development of critical thinking and democratic ideals.”  

      To help ensure that LCPS teachers and staff have the support they need to effectively incorporate technology, they are working closely with EOS Education by Boxlight to customize professional learning experiences to boost confidence and competency. Recently, Larry Jacobs from Equity & Access Pre K-12 (ace-ed.org) spoke with Lisa Hufstedler and Josh Silver from LCPS and Micaela Altamirano from EOS Education about their collaboration in support of LCPS teachers. 

      Jacobs began the conversation expressing his thoughts about the importance of educational technology, “We're always concerned about how technology is the great equalizer in education these days.” He believes that teachers, or as he prefers ‘learning facilitators,’ have a great responsibility to help students from all backgrounds. 

      Silver, Chief Technology Officer for LCPS, shared the district vision for implementing technology, “Our vision for the 24,000 students that we serve, especially through that lens of educational technology, is to make sure that we’re putting the correct tool in the correct hands really at the correct time.” 

      Hufstedler, Associate Director of Teaching and Learning K-12 Mathematics and Computer Science for LCPS, agreed. “It's really about supporting the work in the classroom, and we come alongside that by making sure that teachers have the knowledge and expertise and tools and understanding that they need to help teach students access content.” 


      Silver added, “The work isn’t about teaching a technology tool. The work is about teaching an approach to learning and seeing every technology tool as part of that but also seeing the teacher’s knowledge as part of that.” 

      With Altamirano, Education Consultant from EOS, teacher support is provided through professional development training and customized services so that LCPS teachers can confidently implement new instructional skills and strategies using technology. Altamirano commented, “I get to support the teachers. (LCPS) teachers are leaving with so much information, so many ‘a-ha’ moments, (and) so much excitement.” 


      The conversation between Jacobs, Hufstedler, Silver, and Altamirano highlighted the intentional planning and delivery of professional development content that helps teachers use technology purposefully. The partnership between LCPS and EOS reveals how teacher training can be dynamic, with the goal of providing students with an interactive learning experience that is meaningful. 

      To hear this thought-provoking podcast, click here and scroll down to The Professional Development/Ed Tech Vision for Las Cruces, NM. 


      To learn more about what EOS Education by Boxlight can offer your educators, click – Professional Development for Teachers. 

      Topics: Education Technology, Professional Development for Teachers, teacher training, teacher support, teacher professional development, teacher PD, Podcast, EOS Education


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