Mimio Educator

      Spring CUE is Here…or There…or Anywhere! It’s Virtual!

      Posted by Boxlight on Fri, Mar 19, 2021


      The Spring CUE will be going virtual this year – March 17 to 27 – and will immerse attendees in an engaging virtual conference experience. CUE, or Computer-Using Educators, is a nonprofit educational corporation with the goal to inspire learners in all disciplines from PreK through college. They believe that all students who have access to technology-empowered learning prepares them to solve real-world problems and help improve their communities and the world.

      Boxlight has a virtual booth this year and will have sessions running from March 22 – 25. Each 20-minute session will focus on solutions for distance and hybrid teaching and learning, incorporating STEM instruction, and understanding the ESSER federal funding and how educators can navigate ESSER funding to get what they need for their schools and districts.

      Below is our complete session schedule (all times Pacific):


      For every session, attendees can earn an entry into a giveaway* for a 75” ProColor 3 interactive flat panel display. The ProColor comes with MimioStudio™ classroom software so that teachers can build interactive lessons in minutes for stronger class engagement. This dynamic interactive flat panel and software solution will boost active participation and motivate teachers and students.

      So, if you’re attending the Virtual Spring CUE, get to know Boxlight and our innovative ed tech solutions and how we can help you create a state-of-the-art learning environment — in-class, remote, or hybrid.

      For more about Boxlight solutions, from classroom to professional development, go to boxlight.com.

      *Educator agrees to providing feedback, images, testimonials, and/or case study content for use in Boxlight marketing, brand awareness, and product improvements.


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