Mimio Educator

      Taking Maker Education to the Next Level

      Posted by Boxlight on Wed, Mar 9, 2022

      Makerspace-Maker Education_03.09.2022

      The influence of STEM education on the maker movement is undeniable. The availability of constructive technology like 3D printers, robotics, new programming languages, and so on has made the implementation of maker education possible for more schools and districts. Why is the maker education movement on the rise?  

      Maker education focuses on problem-based learning, relying on hands-on collaborative experiences to find solutions. Students not only discover new ways to solve problems but also how to persevere through the process of designing a solution. Skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication are a given with any type of project-/problem-based learning project but maker education also requires the need to persist through and overcome challenges. As students work through a problem they learn how to rethink a design solution when the outcome is different than planned. When a team is involved, skills such as compromise, listening, delegating tasks, and respectful and thoughtful dialogue are built and strengthened. 

      How can we help inspire innovation with our makerspaces? MimioSTEM by Boxlight is hosting a round table discussion on leveling-up makerspaces – Level-Up Your Makerspace: High-Tech Projects, Community Service, and Fundraising Ideas. Expert panelists will discuss exciting higher-tech projects, ideas for fundraising, and ways to serve the community through the class or school makerspace.  

      Makerspace Webinar 03-15-Social-Media

      To register, click here: Level-Up Your Makerspace: High-Tech Projects, Community Service, and Fundraising Ideas. 

      Topics: The Maker Movement, STEM, Webinars, STEM education, Makerspace


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