Mimio Educator

Needed: Teacher PD for Brain-Based Learning

Posted by Boxlight on Wed, Jun 30, 2021


Implementing social-emotional learning (SEL) skills and strategies have shown to positively impact student learning. Especially with this past year, teachers and students have had to deal with challenges they may not have been prepared for including how COVID-19 our feelings towards learning. Addressing SEL skills is not a new concept and educators have referenced the SEL Framework to meet students’ emotional needs to clear a pathway to learning success.

Boxlight-EOS has designed professional development that introduces the SEL Framework so that teachers can best use digital tools and academic standards to help students apply self-management skills, develop social awareness, make responsible decisions, and more. Another key focus of the Brain-Based Learning PD offering is guiding students to set and achieve personal learning goals including how a Vision Board can be incorporated in the classroom.

For more on this Boxlight-EOS professional development offering, click here: Brain-Based Learning.


To learn about the Boxlight-EOS suite of professional development courses, visit boxlight.com/PD.

Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, Relief Package


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