In this lesson, our STEM MimioMaster Meredith Williams shares a common experience for many teachers – starting instruction with one topic but totally switching to another.
Meredith Williams

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Taking Advantage of a “Teachable Moment” with 3D Printed Materials
Topics: STEM Lessons, 3D printing, STEM education, Robo3D, MyStemKits, MimioMaster
The years have zipped by, and it still surprises me that I’m in my seventh year of teaching! In these seven years, I’ve taught grade 6 and grade 8 science - Life Science, Physical Science Honors, Comprehensive 1, and Comprehensive 3 Science. Currently, I’m enjoying my 8th grade science classes and have the privilege of serving as the Science Department Lead at my school. Teaching has been an experience, and science has always been a part of my life. I definitely have a passion for it!
Topics: 3D printing, STEM education, Robo3D, MyStemKits, MimioMaster, Women in STEM, Girls in STEM
In this lesson, our STEM MimioMaster Meredith Williams shares how she used the MyStemKits Continents Kit and Earth Layers Kit to review plate tectonics.
Topics: Science Lessons, STEM Lessons, 3D printing, MyStemKits, MimioMaster
In this lesson, our STEM MimioMaster Meredith Williams shares how she used the MyStemKits Moths Kit to introduce Dr. Kettlewell’s Peppered Moth investigations on natural selection (for more information on Dr. Kettlewell’s work, click here).
Topics: STEM Lessons, STEM education, Robo3D, MyStemKits, MimioMaster
In this lesson Meredith Williams, 8th grade science teacher and Boxlight MimioMaster, shares how she used the MyStemKits Punnett Squares Dice Kit to help her students review the concepts related to genetics and heredity.
Topics: Science Lessons, STEM Lessons, MyStemKits, MimioSTEM, Punnett Squares, MimioMaster
In this lesson Meredith Williams, Boxlight MimioMaster, shares how she used the MyStemKits Landform Topography Kit to help her students review the concepts of weathering, erosion, and deposition in the process of creating landforms.
Topics: STEM Lessons, 3D printing, MyStemKits, MimioMaster
In this lesson Meredith Williams, Boxlight MimioMaster, shares how she used the MyStemKits Density Cubes Kit to help her students demonstrate understanding of the concept of density.
Topics: STEM Lessons, 3D printing, MyStemKits, MimioSTEM, MimioMaster
In this lesson Meredith Williams, Boxlight MimioMaster, shares how she used the MyStemKits Cells: Plant Kit and Cells: Animal Kit to help her students review key concepts.
Topics: STEM Lessons, STEM, MyStemKits, MimioSTEM, MimioMaster
About the Author: Meredith Williams, an 8th grade science teacher at Freedom Middle School (Orlando, FL), specializes in integrating MimioSTEM solutions in her science instruction. To encourage her students to think critically and creatively about problems through science exploration, Williams incorporates a variety of 3D-printed manipulatives, so her students have something hands-on to observe, analyze, and form ideas around. Williams also regularly implements and provides feedback on MyStemKits lessons and activities, which she uses in conjunction with her 3D printer. In the coming months, she’ll share her and her students’ experiences using the MyStemKits STEM solution. In this lesson, Williams shares how she used the Gliders Kit.
Topics: STEM Lessons, STEM education, MyStemKits, MimioMaster
Meredith Williams, an 8th grade science teacher at Freedom Middle School (Orlando, FL), incorporates a variety of 3D-printed manipulatives so her students have something hands-on to observe, analyze, and form ideas around. She regularly implements and provides feedback on MyStemKits lessons and activities, which she uses in conjunction with her 3D printer. As a MimioSTEM Master, she has been sharing her and her students’ experiences using the MyStemKits curriculum. In this lesson, she is helping her students compare planets.
Topics: STEM Lessons, STEM, MyStemKits, MimioSTEM, MimioMaster