The value of teacher professional development cannot be overstated. Quality professional learning experiences content incorporates the latest research and best practices in the field, helping teachers advance their knowledge, skills, and practices. Teacher PD can also provide teachers with opportunities to reflect on their teaching practices, identify areas for improvement, and receive feedback from peers or mentors. This reflective process can lead to increased self-awareness, professional growth, and job satisfaction.
Krista Walker
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Teacher Professional Development: The Benefits of Nano Learning
Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, teacher support, teacher professional development, teacher PD
Professional Development to Support Communication and Safety
When districts and schools search out education technology, their checklist of requirements generally includes budget considerations, ease of use, software and apps available, warranty and maintenance, and user training. To successfully implement education technology, quality professional development is essential to support administrators, support staff, educators, and students on how to use technology most effectively and efficiently at the school and district levels.
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"Technology changes so fast and when you finally get the hang of a platform, updates come along with new features!”
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Highlights from “Tomorrow’s New Normal” Presented by edWeb
Teachers have had to navigate extraordinary challenges this past year, forcing schools to reevaluate and reprioritize training programs to include a larger focus on education technology to deliver lessons remotely. As classrooms shift to a hybrid learning environment this focus remains a priority and the need to improve skills and techniques for facilitating lessons in all learning environments is critical. Teachers have certainly amped up their strategies for boosting student engagement and enhancing interactive learning even without the benefit of being in the same classroom at the same time. They have responded, as have educational leaders, together working to provide meaningful, relevant, and job-embedded Professional Development programming for teachers.
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning in Remote and Hybrid Classrooms
The landscapes of our classrooms have undoubtedly been changed this past year. Educators around the globe have been inspiring, demonstrating innovation and creativity in remote and hybrid classrooms. Technology has been at the forefront of lesson planning, design, and delivery allowing teachers to teach and students to learn.
Topics: SEL, social-emotional learning