Mimio Educator

Top 10 Blog Articles of 2021

Posted by Boxlight on Mon, Dec 27, 2021

Top 10 Blogs 2021

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” - Albert Einstein 

What makes us read an article or blog we see online? Many times, we’re looking for specific information that will help us learn to do something. Other times, in our keyword search for an answer to a question, articles will pop up that we’ll click and skim. Our curiosity can lead us to one article after another until we find satisfying answers.  

This past year, education-related topics were at the forefront of what people researched and read. What were some of these topics? Remote learning, hybrid learning, professional development, educational technology, STEM – these topics were searched over hundreds of thousands of times. For Boxlight, readers were very much interested in blogs focused on these topics. Here are the Top 10 Blogs of 2021: 

  1. 5 Post-Pandemic Practices That Educators Will Keep 
  2. 5 Tips for Getting Started with MimioConnect® 
  3. 10 Books Every School Leader Should Read 
  4. Four Key Features of Collaborative Software 
  5. Hybrid Learning – The New Norm for Education? 
  6. Inspiring Our Next Generation of Female STEM Pioneers 
  7. Making the Best Use of Google Workspace for Education
    Google Workspace blog 
  8. Tomorrow’s New Normal: What It Means for Professional Development 
  9. Top 10 Features of an Interactive Display: Reasons to Invest 
  10. Using the ARCS Model for Motivating Your Students
  Collegial Support

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