Mimio Educator

      Incorporating 3D Printer Tech in Learning

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Thu, Jul 30, 2020

      Eons ago, when I was in elementary school, we did a unit on fossils and their importance on understanding how prehistoric plants and animals lived. I was fascinated and for a brief moment in 4th grade, I wanted to be a paleontologist. I would stare at all of the pictures of the different fossils and dream about going on a true-blue dig and discover something cool like a fossil from a mammoth or saber tooth tiger. Of course, I never did become a paleontologist instead choosing to teach because that feeling of excitement when I learned something new was one I wanted all young learners to experience. But I do wonder if my teacher had the technology to make different fossils for closer study maybe I would have chosen the paleontology path.

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      Topics: Education Technology, Lessons, STEM Lessons, STEM, STEAM, steam lessons, 3D printing, STEM education

      STEAM Learning via the Virtual Classroom

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Jul 21, 2020

      Although generally thought of as only possible in the physical classroom where teachers can observe and guide student exploration and interaction, STEAM learning is possible with distance teaching. How?

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM, blended learning, virtual classroom, steam education, STEM education, inquiry-based learning

      STEM Careers: Civil Engineer

      Posted by Hannah Daniels on Thu, Jul 16, 2020

      Civil engineering is one of the oldest and most diverse engineering disciplines. Civil engineering is linked to advances in science and mathematics, including material science, geography, geology, hydrology, physics, transportation, construction, and mechanics.

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM, steam education, STEM education

      Lesson Connections – the Influence of 3D Printing and Robotics

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Jun 9, 2020

      I know I’m not alone when I envisioned a future in robotics as Rosie the robot maid on The Jetsons wheeling around dusting my furniture. When I began to see the trends in education to include more robotics and coding, I thought, “Yes! I can have my own Rosie or R2D2!” But that is a simplified vision of what robotics learning, and other advanced tech such as 3D printers, can offer. Educators who were already incorporating robotics and 3D printing could see the benefit these innovations had on their students’ learning – increased engagement, improved critical thinking skills, and enhanced conversation and collaboration in the classroom.

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM, edtech, Robotics, technology, 3D printing

      Using 3D Printers to Keep Frontline Workers Safe

      Posted by Boxlight on Thu, May 28, 2020

      When news of the coronavirus pandemic started to hit close to home (in the U.S.), it became clear that acquiring face masks and shields was a challenge. In many areas, personal protective equipment, or PPE, were in short supply. It was vital that our frontline workers had the protection they needed to keep themselves and their patients safe. In addition, safety was an issue for daily activity by ordinary citizens.

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM, essential workers, 3D printing

      Ideas for Teaching About Climate Change

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Apr 21, 2020

      You may have seen media stories of the air being clearer since stay-at-home directives have been implemented in different areas of the world (Los Angeles, India). NASA satellite data actually shows a 30-percent decrease in air pollution over the northeast United States (click on the link to view slider image: Drop in Air Pollution). What does this all mean for our climate? How are your children and/or students reacting to the changes? Do they realize there are changes at all? This may be an opportune time to include climate change into your instructional plan, especially with the focus of Earth Day 2020 being climate action. So how can you do it? Here are 7 ideas to try:

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      Topics: Education Technology, Activities, Science Lessons, STEM Lessons, collaborative learning, Labdisc, STEM, STEAM, climate change

      10 STEAM Activities for Spring

      Posted by Melizza Cuizon on Tue, Apr 14, 2020

      We’re a couple of weeks into spring and most of us are hunkered down at home, trying to create fun learning experiences for our children and/or students. With limited access to science kits, labs, and high tech tools, what can be used at home to boost STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) learning? Here’s a list of our favorite 10:

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      Topics: STEM Lessons, recursos para directores de escuelas, STEM, STEAM, Parent resources, homeschooling, homeschool, distance learning, learning resources

      Female STEM Role Models: Increasing Girls in STEM Fields

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Wed, Jan 16, 2019

      There are initiatives all across the country in the field of education and in industry that encourage girls to consider joining STEM-related occupations as adults. This is a great idea as a female perspective is highly valuable in these areas. The question is, how do we support young girls to make this happen?

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM, Women in STEM, Girls in STEM

      CTE Series Part 2: When Does CTE Work Best?

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Thu, Dec 13, 2018

      In part one of the CTE overview, we provided a short history of career and technical education along with some examples of pros and cons for students and schools when it comes to implementing CTE courses. The real power of CTE, in my opinion, comes when career preparation and college preparation are not independent, but when they work in conjunction with one another.

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM

      Make 3D Printing Work in the Classroom

      Posted by Kelly Bielefeld on Wed, Aug 8, 2018

      With the current trends of makerspaces and technology-rich classrooms being so popular, many teachers are looking to further engage students with 3D printers. This technology is cool and innovative, but teachers may have questions about how it will actually work in the classroom.

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      Topics: STEM, STEAM


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