Because technology is playing a greater role in teaching and learning, in large part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, school districts are making high-quality professional development an essential focus. Las Cruces Public Schools (Las Cruces, NM) is one such district with an expectation that their schools are “diverse, equitable, and provide opportunities for the development of critical thinking and democratic ideals.”
The Professional Development & Ed Tech Vision for Las Cruces Public Schools
Topics: Education Technology, Professional Development for Teachers, teacher training, teacher support, teacher professional development, teacher PD, Podcast, EOS Education
As teachers are establishing a routine of dynamic instruction, Boxlight has designed webinars that will help them integrate technology consistently and with confidence. You will leave each session with valuable information and ideas for elevating instruction in your classroom.
Topics: Education Technology, teacher resources, teacher support, STEM education, interactive displays, Education Webinars
In this lesson, our STEM MimioMaster Meredith Williams shares how she used the MyStemKits Moths Kit to introduce Dr. Kettlewell’s Peppered Moth investigations on natural selection (for more information on Dr. Kettlewell’s work, click here).
Topics: STEM Lessons, STEM education, Robo3D, MyStemKits, MimioMaster
4 Ideas to Increase Collaboration Using an Interactive Display
Interactive learning has moved from being an innovative strategy to a ‘must do’ to keep students engaged in the classroom. As technology has become more beneficial for instruction and student learning, teachers are at the forefront of why, how, and when to use ed tech effectively and efficiently. Interactive displays support connected and collaborative experiences for students, even if they’re remote learning. With more features and applications available on displays, teachers are incorporating their use regularly and seeing student participation and active learning improving in their classrooms.
Topics: Classroom Technology, Education Technology, Student Engagement, tips for teachers, student learning, interactive displays
We’re living in a time in which posting updates and sharing news on social media instantly is the norm. The immediate gratification of seeing simple messages that convey information that may impact views and actions can be applied to the needs of a school. Campus communication that can clearly, quickly, and reliably share alerts and information is essential for the overall safety and sense of well-being that staff and students need. With nearly all schools implementing technology – whether on a large or small scale – all need to know what can affect them.
Topics: school, school community, Attention!, campus communication, campus safety
Boxlight Wins Multiple Best for Back to School Awards from Tech & Learning!
We are excited to announce that Boxlight solutions have won multiple Best for Back to School 2022 Awards! As schools head into the new year, we are honored that six of our solutions were recognized as those that will support educators in their work. As a company, we understand the value of offering educators comprehensive solutions that are user-friendly, robust, and turnkey.
Topics: Education Technology, Professional Development for Teachers, MimioConnect, awards, STEM education, MyStemKits, interactive displays, MimioPro 4, CleverLive, Attention!, audio solution, campus communication
Teaching Students with Hearing Challenges While Easing Strain on Teachers
The ability to understand the lessons being taught in a classroom is crucial for student learning. If the teacher must strain to have themselves heard, or students cannot access the lesson because of hearing challenges, this can impede active learning. Jaime Mendez, Regional VP and Application Engineer for FrontRow by Boxlight, recently discussed the value of high-quality audio systems to support teachers and students with Larry Jacobs from Equity and Access PreK-12 (
Topics: Classroom Audio, Podcast, FrontRow, audio solution
Classrooms are quickly becoming technology hubs for teachers and students, with interactive displays at their core. While many teachers feel comfortable with interactive whiteboards and projectors as the ed tech to serve their needs, interactive displays have certain advantages over those classic tools. Here are at least 10 advantages of interactive displays to power learning.
Topics: Education Technology, ProColor, interactive displays, MimioPro 4
Back to school is a time full of nervous anticipation and excitement about what is coming this year for both teachers and students. If your class is set up with an interactive display and/or STEM education tools and materials, we can help!
Topics: Education Technology, tips for teachers, Webinars, teacher support, STEM education, teacher PD, Education Webinars
Get the Most Out of Your Summer Install – MimioPro 4 [UPDATE]
Coming back to the classroom to prepare for the new year can be daunting, especially if new technology has been installed. But this doesn’t have to be the case, especially if the new tech is an interactive display. Here are essentials for getting the most out of the summer install of your new MimioPro 4 interactive display*!
Topics: Education Technology, Mimio, interactive displays, MimioPro 4